How do you write an online Business Plan

Jul 29, 2023

It's time to transform your online or e-commerce business idea into something real. You want your business generate revenue and alter your lifestyle But what's the first step in realizing your dream? Making a plan. If you're uncertain about how to write an online business plan then you're in the right place.

One of the most essential requirements for starting any kind of business is to write an effective business plan. A business plan for online businesses won't be any different from an old-fashioned business plan, and it will contain several of the same components.

In this blog, we'll show you how to draft an online business strategy, with all its components and segments. We'll also walk through how can help you put your plan to action and reach your goals for business.

What is the reason to write a business plan?

The process of starting your own business is an amazing experience which will change your life, fill you with self-confidence and autonomy, and also inspire other people around you. A new business is also an important undertaking that can need time, money sweat, lots of decisions as well as a certain amount of risk.

The traditional template for a business plan will help you record and keep track of your business goals, challenges, opportunities and the entire procedures involved in creating your business plan. This will allow you to conduct thorough market research and help you prepare to be successful.

woman working on a laptop at a table

It details all the things you will need to do in order to successfully launch and develop your company, and may include revenue projections as well as timelines for goals specific to your business and concepts for your products, and architectural drawings for any brick and mortar aspects of your business.

Business plans help create a structure for your company's growth and help keep you in reality, focused, and unaffected by other less important matters.

If there's multiple people working to in running the business, the business plan also ensures that everyone is working towards the same goals and objectives.

Another reason for writing an business plan is in situations where you are presenting your idea to someone who is not your friend and asking for their investment. When that happens the business plan also a sort of sales document. The plan lays out the arguments for what your business's idea is so good and well-considered that an investor should want to join the idea.

Even if you're self financing your entire business (which is becoming more common with online businesses -it's still important to write the strategy for the reasons outlined earlier.

The benefits of running an online-based business

A business that is online or an eCommerce store provides numerous of the same advantages as other businesses however, it's not as risk. If you're considering beginning a new business, here's why an online one is a great option:

It is low-cost to start.

With no storefront, you can eliminate numerous expenses associated with managing an enterprise. In addition to the costs that come with having property such as rent, parking, furnishings and decorations as well as other expenses. -- there's a much higher investment required to start a brick-and-mortar-based business. Businesses that operate online still face cost of starting, but these have a lower cost of starting.

You have the flexibility to set your schedule

When you run an online business, you have more freedom to set your own schedule, as you don't always have to operate during normal hours. You can build your business in accordance with the life you want. You can arrange your time so that you get things done efficiently and take time off when you're in need of it.

You can start small

If you've got a place, it's yours, and you must create a business plan. If you have an online-based business, it is possible to start small with just a handful of products, or perhaps one or two services. It is easier to explore the market without having to make massive commitments in terms of inventory or any other tangible investments.

You can more easily pivot

If your online or e-commerce company isn't performing better than you had hoped for It's much easier to adjust and pivot to new ideas since you're not committing as heavily to making the original concept successful. There are several success stories from businesses in which the owner of the company changed their ideas after having an understanding, then it took off. It's a lot easier to do that without the need for a physical site.

However, there's one thing online businesses share with other type of business They require a solid plan of action to take your concept from a sketch to an effective realization that earns money and fulfills your dreams and objectives.

So, let's get into our business strategy.

two people working at a whiteboard

How can I create my own business plan for my online venture?

Business plans that are formal and business plan templates include seven sections. There's also an executive summary. Keep the purpose of the business plan to. If you're presenting the plan to investors who are interested or will be seeking a business loan, the business plan should present your company as an excellent investment and showcase the expertise, experience and passion that you bring into the equation.

These are the most important elements of the traditional form of business plan:

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Company description
  3. Market analysis
  4. Management and organization
  5. Line of products and services
  6. Sales and marketing
  7. Financial projections
  8. Funding request (if you are working with investors or partners)

This is a quick overview of each step of creating an online business plan:

The executive summary is a draft

In the executive summary, which is the first section of almost every template for business plans the plan will outline your goals and concentrate on creating enthusiasm. When the company plan you're writing is actually a sales document it is the executive summary that serves as the lead. The reader is engaged and eager for more.

Your executive summary must accomplish two purposes:

  1. Provide the most basic information regarding your company
  2. Encourage readers to continue reading and inspire them to be excited about your idea

What are the most important facts to include? What information helps your reader comprehend the business concept. Define the niche and industry. Name the market you intend to target. In a concise manner, describe the need or challenges your products or solutions will solve. Consider the possibilities for growth in terms of revenues and clients.

To motivate yourself, write down your objectives and the values that you have set for your business. What distinguishes you from the competition? What is your value proposition? What distinguishes you from the competition? Again -- keep this brief. We'll go into more detail later.

It might be a good idea to outline all of the other sections first, then finish with the executive summary so it will be the shortest and accurate way of the way you present your company.

team of women working around a table

Write a company description

In this section, you'll provide an overview of your business. What do you have to offer in terms of strengths, talents as well as areas of experience that can help you to achieve the best success? If you've got an interesting motivation for beginning your own business, you can include that as well.

Conduct a SWOT analysis

If you're not sure where to begin, you could do an SWOT analysis that is an outline of the strengths and weaknesses of your organization, possibilities, and threats.

It's a common part of many business plans. It will allow you to create a clear idea of what you can achieve, and what is in its way. You won't include everything in your business description, however your assets and potentials could fit here.

Make a vision and mission statement

The company description is also the place to create the mission and vision statement. What's the difference between these?

Its vision is the direction you'd like to go The mission will help you get there. A vision statement paints the picture of a possible real-world scenario for your clients, as well as the general public as a result of the influence of your business. A mission statement expresses the way you intend to achieve this.

The business description should elaborate on your vision and mission beyond just a single sentence And then you'll have the opportunity to fine-tune what you write into succinct sentences. Are you struggling to write? See company description templates by industry for a few ideas.

Include any unique attributes

If your firm will be involved in certain aspects, such as manufacturing, supply chains dropshipping and affiliates advice or coaching, online classes, or any other pertinent specifics, you should include it in the description of your business also.

Indicate your location for business and the industry you work in, as well as your niche along with other pertinent information.

In addition, mention the address of your business, even though it's online. Define your niche and industry the market you are targeting, then define the characteristics of your business. In other words, is it an e-commerce company, a consulting firm, delivery service, wholesale or an ad-based site? This is just a few of the many types of online corporate structures.

It is also possible to mention whether your company is part of a particular category of business that might position it for special loan or grant opportunities like women-owned businesses or veterans-owned companies.

After having read the summary, your readers should be able to have a good understanding of the purpose of your company, why it exists and what it does. A detailed look at company descriptions along with a sample.

Conduct a market analysis

A market analysis uses market research to determine the scope of your business's customers and outline the present competition within your field. It will help you determine your chances of success and prepare for the challenges you may face when you launch an online company or shop.

Conducting the necessary research as well as incorporating it into in your business plan can aid you:

  • Find out the latest trends in the industry
  • Pinpoint opportunities
  • Minimize risk and lower cost
  • Develop new ideas to create products and services
  • Learn from the failures as well as the shortcomings of your competitors
  • Find ways to stand out from your competitors
  • Find new markets
  • Refine your marketing ideas

We'll now look into what's involved in the complete market analysis.

Understand your audience

Share your key customer demographics, psychographics, and their interests. Who will you serve? Why do they choose them?

What is their core values? If your item, service, or personal brand will attract a particular segment of the population that also shares particular values, then that's a plus, not a weakness, and you can use that to gain their trust.

Perform customer segmentation

Separate the different categories of customers that your company will be serving. One category could be the age of your customers. Another might be life situations including parents, retirees divorcees, and those living with relatives who are older. You could create groups of people suffering from particular health conditions and/or who follow certain life styles.

woman hiking with a backpack

But you can also get far more specific in this regard. The runners are distinct from the hiking enthusiasts, which are also different from bikers, yoga enthusiasts as well as gym-goers. Different supplements, philosophies about food, motivations for eating various food items -- all of them offer a myriad of possibilities in narrowing down your customers' segments. All under the broad category of  health.' And you might provide multiple customers.

The more segments of customers that you have in mind and understand, the better you can market to them. When you have an online store Good product descriptions spell out the various customer segments that product is designed for.

Also, you can conduct an online survey such as an online test you can use to express the needs the potential clients have that don't seem to be being addressed.

Do a thorough analysis of the competition

Study your competition. What is their strength? Are they serving the right areas? Which areas do they perform poorly? Note what others in your field have a hard time or are failing at so that you can offer something that is more beneficial and increase your competitive edge.

The reason could be the quality of their product as well as customer service or the selection. It could be that their online store is badly designed and hard to use. Maybe there's an business that serves the general public however, customers with special tastes or preferences don't get the best service from major companies. These customers may spend higher on products that deliver the things they want.

Maybe your key competition has been the subject of scandal. It could be that a company was shut down either sold or closed down due to retirement. There's an opportunity within the market that you'd like to take advantage of.

The main point of the competitive analysis is to persuade the investors there is an untapped market that your business plans will serve. Your business must offer something no one has ever done. Otherwise, why should the business even exist? Make them feel comfortable by demonstrating proper market research.

Check out your SWOT report and discuss any possible threats from the competition here as well.

Outline management and structure of the organization

Next, present your legal and managerial structure. Does your business operate as an LLC (sole proprietorship), sole proprietorship, Partnership, or S Corporation, or another arrangement? Who's responsible for what? If there are different departments, list out the leadership for each one. If it's appropriate, you could add some details about the skills of your managers concerning the areas under their responsibility and the duties they'll be performing.

Keep in mind that, if your business plan will be used to convince investors to help fund your business idea, this sort of information will assure them that your business is a solid and knowledgeable direction.

If there's a chain command, use diagrams or any other technique for laying out who reports to who.

bars of soap lined on a shelf

List your products and services

What do you sell? You'll touch on this briefly in previous sections however here's where you'll expand on the specifics. If you have an array of similar products including food flavours or fashion variations, you should list all that you can think of as pertinent. However, you should keep in mind the essence of the business plan -the goal is to communicate what your business is about rather than listing every item that you plan to stock.

Include information on your product, including the quality, longevity and expirations. Patents, and whatever else can give an accurate picture of the products you're offering.

for membership and service-based businesses that could include a variety of bundles, packages, or tiers, you need to describe the details of each one so that your readers get a sense of what you can offer to different kinds of customers as well as price ranges.

Develop a sales and marketing strategy

Possessing products is great however, how are you going to promote the products? How can people discover your company? How will anyone know your existence? Once they do the facts, what is going to motivate them to purchase from you rather than from the competition? What is your distinctive selling point -- what distinguishes you from the competition?

It is necessary to create the initial plan of marketing that will help you promote your company, products, and services for your customers you intend to target.

It's important to remember that it's not just limited to other businesses. Sometimes, competition is against your customers' time or even their budget or simply indifference -- the conflict between doing something and doing nothing. The SWOT analysis you conduct should focus at least a couple of these challenges to the success of your online company.

Your marketing strategy will undoubtedly change over time, but let your customers and prospective investors a clear idea of the way you intend to start and expand your company.

Google ad for a blue shirt

Include a description of your marketing budget. If you'll have a marketing staff or sales experts with a specific process or sales plan, you should discuss this as well.

charts showing business growth

Prepare Financial projections

You've made a lot of claims in your business plan, but how will your investors be convinced of your future success? Sometime in the future you'll have to demonstrate them how much money you have.

If this is a brand start-up with no revenue what will the funds come from for the first year? Give realistic financial projections of anticipated losses and profits, as well as projections for growth over the next five years. Include financial documents in the event that you own them, such as profit and loss reports, balance sheets, and cash statement of flow. Include costs of employment, manufacturing, and other investments that are ongoing and one-time.

The financial projections you make should be based on your:

  • Market analysis
  • Products
  • pricing
  • anticipated sales volume

The projections you make for your financials will be real when you are able to demonstrate prior success, whether in different businesses you've already launched or tested, as well as local sales that you have had previously made, your previous experiences, or other data from different businesses.

Please explain your request for funding -if you have one.

If you intend to ask investors for help in financing your business idea, present your request in the final principal section of your plan. If you've previously secured financing through other sources, mention this in the same section. A potential investor can feel more secure knowing they are not the only person who is convinced of the potential of your venture.

Will your funding request be only for one time payment, monthly, annual or at a different interval? What are your plans to repay their investment? Will you allow them to charge the interest? How much ROI will you be able to guarantee them?

How can help

 homepage launch info

Here are a few of the advantages that your company will enjoy when you choose to build your store with :

  • Sell absolutely anything that you could think of. From tangible items to digital downloads to subscriptions, memberships and bookings to courses, and affiliate products, provides all the information you require. Are you interested in running your own wholesale business? It's possible, too!
  • Make use of the capabilities of WordPress. As a WordPress plugin designed for WordPress, you can make use of the powerful features such as block editors and the blogging capability.
  • Connect to your social media channels. Make use of extensions that allow you to connect your shop with social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. It is possible to sell products on these platforms along with your online store, without having the task of updating inventory and other information manually.

It is evident that can handle every type of online store, and help you expand. There are many more reasons that should be your first option for the implementation of the eCommerce aspect of your business plan online:

It's free

creating a page with the Block Editor

You have full control over your store

 extension store

A plethora of premium and free extensions


Fantastic support, and a huge community of users

The platform is used by over 3.9 millions of stores It is the choice of more than 3.9 million retailers -more than 3.9 million stores - 23% of all websites in the world. The support team is available to answer questions and the documentation library is extensive and thorough. There are also plenty of free resources to learn how to use WordPress and .

Dedicate time and resources to put your online business plan into practice

A successful business plan is one that empowers and guides entrepreneurs to begin their online or ecommerce business as well as possibly to secure funds. But it only works if you use the right strategy.

One advantage of starting an ecommerce store or online business is that you aren't restricted to deadlines. With a physical location when you begin renting it is essential to have a business plan ready for implementation.

However, the benefit of being online is the fact that you can have greater flexibility at the front end. Even though you're able to play around with your timelines, you still need to keep your momentum going forward. Staying on track with your goals and business plans is the key for achieving greater profitability and turning your business plan into reality. A few quick tips:

  • Schedule your time. Block out hours and specific days to work on your business.
  • Consider it as a job, not a hobby. Continue to build on your progress each week.
  • Always keep in the process of learning. Research your industry, competition as well as your target market as well as potential customers. Learn marketing -- it is impossible to know too much.
  • Try stuff! Take risks, take calls, design campaigns, create content.

The template for your business plan must provide you with a specific schedule of your tasks and goals. Once you write a business plan, you are able to implement it.

Frequently asked questions about writing an online plan for business

What are the seven steps of a plan for business?

The seven essential elements of a business plan are the executive summary the company's description, the market analysis, organizational and management, service as well as products, marketing plan and financial projections. If you're submitting a fund request, this would constitute an eighth component.

Where can I find template business plans?

It is possible to find a completely free business plan template online, for general business plans, as and for certain sectors. However, since each business is different and your plan must be authentic and unique to the company you are working for A business plan template can only take you so far.

If you need design inspiration for your own custom business plan or to start with a pre-designed template that you can customize, you can purchase one for a relatively low cost via a resource site that stocks resources like Envato Market and Creative Market.

downloads available from Creative Market

Do I need a business plan if I am already running an online business or online store?

The business plan isn't limited to people who are launching new companies. You can create your own business plan at any time to assist you in maintaining or change the direction your store is heading or simply to have a better picture of the state of your business. Here are some kinds of business plans could be worth considering in your current online venture:

  • Operational business plan. Outlines the structure of your operations in the business as well as staffing and logistics.
  • Feasibility plan. Feasibility plans are like mini business plans that outline new business concepts and provide steps to implement them.
  • Business plan for growth. This plan is for businesses that want to show potential and strategies for growth to attract investors.
  • Business plan that is amorphous. This plan is designed for companies looking to join with or acquire other companies and expand significantly, or to go to the public market.
  • Strategic business plan. Any time your firm is planning to alter its strategy on marketing or products or make any other significant modifications to your business plan, it's best to develop a strategic plan for your business to reflect your goals for the future and outline actions required to achieve these goals.

Which software do I need to use for my online business plans?

The plan for your business should incorporate some images, graphs, and graphic elements in the design, and you'll want to at least use Word processing software for putting your plan for business together. If you're able to access Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, Canva, or Adobe Creative Cloud You'll be able to choose another option that could lead to a more professional design.

business plan templates from Canva

This is a listing of free and paid software that can aid you with putting together your online business plan sketch:

Free Paid
Libre Office: Writer Microsoft Word
Libre Office: Impress Powerpoint
Google Docs (free when you have a google account) Adobe InDesign
Google Slides (free when you have a google account)
Canva (also includes a premium option)
Figma (also comes with a premium choice)

What do investors want to look for in a business's plan?

The most crucial piece of information that you need to present investors in your business plan is your potential profitability. Investors don't want to throw money into a boat that's sinking, no matter how cool and thrilling the company sounds.

Most investors also want to make sure that they'll get a good ROI on their investments in an extremely short period of time which is likely to be around 5-7 years. The amount of return they'll expect will depend on the type of business you're in as well as what kind of investor they are.

Investors should also see that you clearly understand your business, your sector, and have concrete, actionable steps for achieving, maintaining, and increasing profitability. You'll need to ensure that the most important people in your organization are aware of the business's objectives and what roles they're playing. Additionally, they'll need to know that every individual has plenty of expertise in their respective field and has the skills required to fulfill their job duties and if they don't, go above and beyond.

Anything you are able to include which highlight the uniqueness of your business will also be crucial. Anything that shows you have a competitive edge, are providing an exclusive or unique solution, have gotten the endorsement of a celebrity, have an investor backing or secured unique grants are of particular attention to investors.

Plan your strategy for success

Now that you understand what goes into creating a formal business plan and what it takes to put together one! Spend the time to reflect and consider each aspect of the list included in this piece so that you're in the process of achieving the success you've been looking for.