How do you create a marketing Personality (Including the Pain Points)

Aug 18, 2022

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Marketing is a difficult art. Deciding on the best way to go about conveying your brand's message can be difficult. It can help to have an ideal reference point to the people you're trying to reach. And that's where creating an individual marketing personality comes into.

The market persona (or buyer persona)is essentially your representation of your ideal customer. Using this as a reference, you can figure out the demographics of your target audience in general.

What is a Marketing Persona?

Marketing is storytelling straight up. A lot of marketers judge the impact of their stories by asking their ownif they would be invested.

Big mistake. Marketing professionals think it's not that important as how much you or your brand is attracted to - but this isn't the case. The most crucial aspect is what your clients want to know about and the way you tell stories ought to be in tune with it.

It's all in that one sentence. In order to make your marketing material useful, you have to be aware of who your target audience is. The key to this? Creating marketing personas.

A marketing persona is a mix of elements that comprise your ideal customer. From their lifestyle to the elements they like about them. It's a distillation of your audience. If done right It represents them effectively enough that you can know how to speak to them.

How Do Marketing Personas Help My Business?

There are valid concerns concerning this procedure. Namely, what good is it to for me to spend the effort to make these personas?

The key to marketing success is comprehending your customer. You'll find you have a more success in that if you know...

  • Who is your target audience who you are targeting, and
  • Most importantly, you should know what you are trying to convey to your target audience.

If you make use of a specific marketing persona to create content for marketing, you'll find you have significantly higher chances of performance than following the content youwould find appealing.

Marketing personas can help you connect to customers as people.

What is this implying? This means that your marketing efforts are more effective. A better strategy for marketing is likely bring more people to your website rather than visiting competitors'.

And speaking of your competitors Some of them may be lacking their personal brand of marketing personas built out. If they aren't making the effort to learn about their customers, you could get a quick leg up on them by doing so.

An effective marketing profile is developed through market research plus whatever insight you can glean from your customers themselves. This information can be gathered through things such as...

My suggestion? Begin at the bottom part of that scale. Start by visualizing...

  • Your ideal customer
  • What they might want out of your product
  • What would make them decide to choose you over your rivals

This is where the pain points come in.

The way to identify pain points can help to create a persona for a marketer

These are issues your clients have to deal with. They're the things which slow them down or get them excited on their process of living. These are the challenges your product or service can help them overcome.

Pain points are available in a myriad of shapes and forms. The four main categories of pain points are:

  • Financial. It's exactly what's on the tin. Your customers are aiming to reduce the cost of a particular solution.
  • Productivity. Time is money, and people who are suffering from this issue are spending too much of it in the wrong ways.
  • Process. Customers are looking to improve one aspect of their process. For instance, if you have the business-to-business (B2B) issue the cause could be an organizational or logistical issue that causes delays and creates friction.
  • Support. Your customers want better support at some stage in the customer journey or the selling process. If they don't know what to do in case they encounter issues it falls under this category.

If your business serves specific niches, many of your customers probably face similar pain points. It is possible to earn customer loyalty real easy by showing that you are aware of their common problems.

That might sound like an easy task. But the fact is that customers not feeling heard aren't the norm as much as it seems. As per IBM, 78% of customers don't feel understood by the brands they choose to choose to

Do you remember the elements of a persona in marketing that I was talking about earlier? Well, the pain points the customers experience can be viewed as a similar element to the other.

The issues your customers face will tell you the solutions they require. And that's valuable data to build your personal brand.

9 Questions to Ask and Answer to Build Your Personal Brand

In the process of creating your character You may find yourself in a bind. Below are some of the questions you can consider asking yourself before sketching your character out:

  1. What is their profile on the demographic side? Age, gender identification, geographical area. This info is not only the easiest to find, it's also the most important.
  2. What is their job and their level of experience? This gives more details to your character's everyday life. Plus, if you're focusing on B2B, it's even more important as it explains the need that your product or service meets.
  3. What do the days in their life look like? What experiences do they face day-to-day? Do any of these have the same issues that your solution can solve? Do they often face the issue that sends them looking for the product or service you offer?
  4. What are their pain points? As we said in the previous paragraph the pain points are extremely crucial in creating your marketing persona. They provide a clear picture of what needs your customer has and the way you will fulfill them better than your rivals. All people need to be understood.
  5. What are the top fears? What do people be concerned about the most when it comes to products or services like yours? Is your industry known for a lack of assistance? Are people concerned about how their personal information could be utilized? Know those fears, so you're able to tackle these concerns head-on.
  6. What are they most interested in their most? What are their objectives and requirements? Do they have any specific needs? The information could be derived from their own words, or from what problems they're seeking to address.
  7. What do they expect from HTML0? From the buyer's journey to the long-term customer experience - what do your clients expect from you?

If you can answer the above questions, you'll be able to make the foundation of your marketing persona.

What is a good way to create a Marketing Persona

The best marketing person is one that is precise with accurate information. The best way to get that? Talk and listen to people.

Seriously. Talk to everybody. Your competitors, your customers as well as your colleagues. The research phase is underway in the present, and need to be getting all sorts of information from various sources.

The beauty of the web is that, whenever there's a need there's a method. With Google All you need to do is search for your key words and dig up all sorts of target market info.

  • Join forums with a lot of interest for your sector
  • Participate in Twitter conversations
  • Read the comments on the most popular blogs within your field.

If you've established a client base, then you've have a great collection of information to look through. If you're trying to establish yourself do not fret. There's tons of research that you can draw from.

When you've got all of your information (and you've put it all into a manner that's effective for your needs) it's time to start your actual process of creation.

The elements of a Persona that make up a finished persona

After you've gathered all the data you require, it's time to flesh it all out into a complete marketing persona. Depending on relevance, that might comprise:

  • Names
  • Age
  • Gender identity
  • Job title
  • Significant pain points
  • Problems that your service/product addresses

Like I said earlier Try to create at the very least two or three personas. You should make them distinct enough so that they target two distinct chunks of your audience.

Then, boom! Your personas for marketing are set to roll.


This wasn't too difficult did it?

This isn't by any means the only method to build a marketing persona. What's your method? Check out the comments and tell us about it.