How do you add Social Logins to Your WordPress Site

Jul 12, 2024

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There's one aspect of the user journey which frequently causes frustration for both administrators and users, and it occurs right in the middle of your member site.

    I'm talking about the login process.

For us who are organizationally challenged (), logging in typically involves:

  • trying various ways to remember our email/password combo,
  • failing,
  • after the labyrinth of lost passwords,
  • Feeling frustrated that you have to come up with a new memorable password,

and at any point in this process there's a good likelihood that we'll get bogged down until we're ready to quit altogether.

If you're a site administrator for a membership If you're not maximizing engagement, potential sales, and you're at risk of losing customers, all because of something that's entirely out of your reach.

Until now.

We are introducing the Social Login Add-on

WATCH>> How To Add Social Logins On Your WordPress Website Using

Through Social Login, the social Login extension, you enable your users to connect to your site by using their current social media profiles, like Facebook, Google, or Twitter.

No more fussing over forgotten passwords. Now you can access them via your virtual door as fast and pain-free as is possible.

This feature can simplify your users' login experience, enhance security, and lessen the burden on your support staff.

Ready to give your visitors an easier ride? Let's get this up and running!

The Reasons to Use Social Logins?

If you've had the pleasure of managing a site, you're aware of the hurdles that traditional login systems face users abandoning their accounts and chronic fatigue of passwords are just the tip of the iceberg.

Let's look at how social logins can help both your customers and your company.

More Passwords, Less Problems

So, why put up an obstacle to the return of these individuals by forcing them to remember a new password?

There's an easy way to solve the problem: fewer passwords to keep track of.

If users log in using their social media accounts they can reduce the number of passwords they need to manage.

Some users might use a password manager to help solve this problem, but even then the problem is present even when they log in on a new device.

By making access easy through social logins, visitors will be more likely to come back to your site being able to log in whenever they want from any device.

Secure, trusted and reliable

Familiarity breeds comfort.

If users sign up with their Facebook or Twitter accounts, they're tapping into a system they already trust and use frequently on various websites.

Screenshot of Zapier social login options

This familiarity decreases apprehension and boosts the willingness of your customers to interact on your site.

The trust is transferred onto your website, which makes users feel safer.

It is a sense of security knowing that they are using a secure network they trust.

Less Admin

It's not fun to have to handle password resets or account recovery Do you think?

Social logins keep these nuisances at bay by offering alternative methods of logging in.

This allows your support staff to tackle other issues that are more urgent, while keeping your customers happy and engaged.

Robust Security

Tapping into the security infrastructure of major players such as Facebook and Google is leveraging one of the most sophisticated methods accessible.

The transparency of data handling using social logins can reassure users.

Their information isn't disappearing into the void but being managed through trusted websites. This builds confidence in your website, and encourages continued use and deeper engagement.

Social logins bring a host of advantages that make them attractive to companies looking to increase the accessibility of their site and increase user friendliness.

By integrating this feature, you're enhancing your visitors their overall experience.

Benefits for Your Bottom Line

So how do all these advantages translate into success for your business?

The Value of Lifetime Membership is Increasing for Members

In simple terms, happy clients return to the store to return.

An easy-to-use login procedure makes it easier for members to log in and engage more frequently.

What this means is that you will have a better customer lifetime value as happy members are more likely to continue to keep their memberships on your website every month.

Higher Conversion Rates for Upsells and Cross-Sells

If your customers stay with you for longer time, they'll likely to explore additional offerings.

That means there's more chances for your subscribers to interact deeply in your posts and learn about more advanced membership levels or other products and services.

This could lead to higher sales and higher revenue per customer!

Lower Support Costs

Less time spent on tedious password resets means your support team can focus on more important tasks.

By minimizing login-related issues, you can reduce support tickets and save on customer service expenses, allowing you to free up your resources for other areas of your business.

In short, this small and simple addition to your WordPress website could make a surprising difference to the experience of your customers and your profits.

How to Enable Social Logins on Your WordPress Membership Website

The whys now it's time to see exactly what it's possible to incorporate social logins on your website by .

The Social Login add-on is available for Pro Plans. If you're already a member on a lower plan, you can upgrade using the "Change Plan link on the page on your account.

1. Install the Social Login Add-on

Find the Social Login extension and select Install the Add-on.

Once installed Once installed, you can after installation, click Activate the program, and a brand newly-created Social Login selection will be displayed in the menu.

2. Enable Your Social Providers

Now it's time to connect the social networks you've chosen with your website.

Visit > Social Login and then select the initial social services you would like to set up, such as, Facebook.

After that, check the box marked Allowing the Facebook Provider.

The procedure for enabling each social service is a bit different. However, you will follow step-by-step steps for each of them using the links below

Repeat the process with the number of social networks you'd like.

3. Make sure to check out your new Sign In Buttons on Your Login Page

It automatically puts new social buttons automatically to your login page for every of the providers you have configured.

Social Logins as they appear on a ReadyLaunch™ login page

Remember that, prior to using the social logins on your website, members must already have an account created on your website.

If the email used for the account they have on your site corresponds to the one used on their social account, then the two accounts will immediately connected once they press the social login button for the very first time.

However, if both emails aren't same, they'll have to connect the two manually. This isn't too difficult...

4. Take a look at the Connect/Disconnect buttons on Your Members' Account Page

If you have enabled an account with a social network, the Social Login add-on also automatically adds connect/disconnectbuttons on the members' profile page.

Social Login Connect Disconnect buttons

The buttons allow your members with different emails to join their social profiles to your website.

5. (Optional) (Optional) Add Social Login buttons to any Page On Your Site

So, as you've already learned that the Social Login plugin will automatically add social login buttons to the account page.

They will also be automatically added anywhere you use the shortcode for login to your site's page:

[mepr-login-form use_redirect="true"]

It is also possible to include buttons for social login to any page using the following shortcode:


Also, add connect and disconnect buttons with this shortcode:


Overall, you'll have many options for integrating social logins on your site to make the user experience as seamless as possible.


It is essential for your company to keep up-to-date with developments that ease life for users.

Features like social logins simplify signing-in and ensure users that their information are secure, increasing the trust of your customers and ensuring their loyalty.

Keeping your site's features user-friendly on your website is more than keeping up with technological advances. Your site is focusing on your visitors requirements and making sure they consistently have an optimal experience each time they visit your site.

 Are you ready to streamline the login procedure to your users?

Why wait to improve your site's usability and reap the rewards for your business since the answer is only two clicks to the right place?

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Victoria Lloyd       Victoria has a knack for turning small beginnings into big successes, having elevated her jewelry brand out of the pulsating atmosphere of the London's market streets up to more prestigious locations such as the Royal Academy of Arts and Topshop's Oxford Circus the flagship shop. The expertise she has isn't limited to tangible products. Victoria has an established success track record in boosting the online presence of a range of companies. From innovative startups to household names like Nokia as well as Jack Daniels, Victoria has applied her potent mix of wordsmith wizardry, strategic insight, and digital acumen to drive higher engagement with brands and increase SEO. In her blog , Victoria leverages her diverse experiences to help simplify and decode the realm of online memberships and business growth. She's on hand to assist users with her exclusive knowledge, assisting them in successfully and effectively build their communities online and membership websites.