How can you make your Memberships Tax-Exempt On WordPress (2 Simple Strategies)

Sep 1, 2022

Table of Contents

The term "tax-exempt" in the past But what does this really mean?

While you might know your company is entitled to tax exemption but did you realize that you and your employees can also get tax exemption? If that is the case, it's essential to figure out a way to withhold tax on the membership of your members.

  • to benefit from one or more than one of your Memberships
  • One particular client

In this article I'll discuss the tax exemption procedure and what you may need to use it. In the next post, I'll go over ways to make your membership tax-exempt with . Let's look at it!

What is it that means to be Tax Exempt

Simplely, tax exemption means tax exemption. Taxes aren't assessed or collected under specific circumstances.

Tax exemptions can be handled differently based upon the nation or state you're based out of, there are general rules.

For instance, the most frequent kinds of establishments that can be exempt from taxes in the United States include:

  • Charities
  • Religious institutions
  • Educational organizations
  • Social welfare programs

It is also important to note that not all businesses in these broad categories qualify to be tax-exempt. In the majority of cases the process of obtaining exemption is following a application process.

In addition, tax exemption can be more complex than just being able bypass tax law. Tax exemptions can be restricted to specific types of transactions or even income and, in most cases, must be recorded for tax filing.

If you are not in or outside the United States, the process and procedures will differ. So, we suggest consulting the official documents of the government to find out more about the rules.

The Reasons You Should Implement Tax Exemptions

Institutions of education

The primary reason that the membership could be tax-exempt is when it's a legally-qualified educational establishment.

If a qualified educational establishment is looking to incorporate your course into their curriculum in order to instruct students, they could be capable of doing it without needing to collect taxes on it.

The entire process is based on local and federal laws. Still, the organization in question should know the status of its organization and possess proof that proves it's tax exempt.

The tax-free member fees are offered to members.

This configuration could require additional bookskeeping because you'll be taking the midst of taxing sales.

But, be aware that shutting off tax calculations in the event that you're not exempted from taxation puts the burden of tracking and pay taxes on you. It's generally easier to enable tax calculation software, except if you can prove that you have an excuse to not.

Withholding of tax from certain customers

If you have to withhold taxes from certain customers, it is possible to create a duplicate of their bank accounts.

So, those who have exempt from tax can join tax-free membership. Those who do not can opt to use the normal version.

What can you do to make your memberships Exempt from Tax (2 Methods)

It's great to be aware that allowing tax exempt status is easy. It's likely that you've been traversing this path before however, you didn't know the options.

This video will provide exact instructions on how to locate the tax exemption setting in the settings section of your WordPress dashboard.

In this article we'll discuss various ways to make your memberships tax-exempt!

Method 1: Toggle the tax rate for the entire range.

If you have a business which is tax-exempt, or you are not looking to add tax costs to each membership, you are able to change your tax calculation off within your preferences.

To accomplish this, simply select the menu on the left side of the WordPress dashboard and select the Settings:

Following that, click the next tab, and then click on the tab to pay taxation. Then, click on the tab. Here you'll see a checkbox that you can click to let tax calculations be made:

The checkbox can allow deductions from taxes for all your memberships. If you select the checkbox and then, you'll have other options to calculate taxes.

If you'd like to remove taxes, just uncheck the box. You must hit the Update Options button every time you modify the setting so that the change is effective!

This technique is an effective way to make blanket changes to your tax collection system. But, it is also feasible to set rates of tax according to an individual basis.

Method 2: Switch on the tax exemption for individual memberships.

To change the tax rate on your individual members, click on the tab, and select the memberships:

Select a membership for which you would like to tax exempt and scroll down to the registrationtab within the Member Options. You can simply check the box which reads This Membership has been declared tax-exempt for turning off tax on the membership.

Click the update button located at the upper right-hand corner of the screen to apply the changes. Note that this option will not be available if you haven't set up tax calculation.

Read the earlier part of this article in case you need help in this process.


You probably do not consider tax exempt status until you're forced to utilize it to pay for the memberships you have.

In order to activate tax exemptions for an individual member you have to follow these steps:

  1. Select the Memberships through the hyperlink on your dashboard.
  2. Pick which membership you want to change.
  3. Go to your registration tab in the Membership Options section.
  4. Make sure to check the box that says This Membership is Tax Exempt.
  5. Click on the Update button to save the settings for exemption.

Have you got any concerns about tax exemptions ? Please let us know by commenting below in the section for comments!

This post was first seen on here