How Amy Michael Harrison and Michael Harrison have added online classes for business off-line

Nov 17, 2022

   We atthe company take tremendous delight in shining the spotlight on the makers of online learning courses that are thriving with using the platform. This article came to us from Amy and Michael Harrison, an inspiring couple who recently added an online education component to their therapy company. The following is what they're happy to tell us. Amy's thoughts:

In the past few months, we stood before the group of 30 people who were at the conclusion of The Soul Adventure, our meditation group, when someone approached us and asked "Can you take a recording of our meditations that we have practiced to us so that we will be able to continue to do these?" Everyone else agreed.

Michael and I had already talked about it as we're aware that a lot of our clients have shift work, or parents or other obligations that hinder them from attending the same time each week . We wanted them all to take part in our class, but they were not able to do the schedule. We even had to arrange babysitting services for our children for the purposes of instructing the class. So, I told them "Yeah We'll give you three months of time, and after that, we'll have these meditations recorded , and eventually, put them on the web for their benefit".

What's the biggest mistake you've made in you can do? This is an amazing course that a lot of people love and are eager to find out more about. Some of the people who were present around the table took part three times. It was my opinion that we had to find a way for recording these meditations. It can be as easy as uploading the recordings "online" and it would be an amazing "online" space where sessions and meditations could be easily accessible for our clients to listen to them from.

Oh my.

It's true. Our team is extremely proficient at what they do. We've been in operation from the very beginning and assisted thousands of patients through our facility. We haven't had any experience with technology-related concerns. We returned to our home and looked into "how could I design an online course". I wasn't sure if the information I was reading had been written in English. What I read was all about plugins, coding, and WordPress which made my stomach turn to the tsunami of "I am not sure how to do this".

We resigned ourselves to the notion that the process might take under three months, but that we'd make it. We conducted research as well as read books and courses on creating electronic courses. After that, we realized we needed assistance and started discussions with web designers to create an online website that would allow members to become members of our organization.

Then we realized that we'd made progress!

We have not received the money back. $12,000. We are fortunate to not have the money. We have four children and two go to universities in different cities. We have a mortgage on the house which was completed by cutting it in half. We also have other expenses to keep track of our money.

My heart fell into that dismal state, and I was in the same situation. It seemed as if we were in the middle of the valley. With an incredible vision of our route, and a full sight of the other side. there was no possibility for us to build the bridge that would allow us to reach.

It was in the basket's massive weight for about a month, and then one day, I decided to go back and search again and discovered the most amazing thing ever I came across . It was like I'd stumbled across the rainbow it travelled across the chasm to reach the gold-plated personal pot, which is the online class to the opposite one. It was the enchanting "online" place I was thinking of for the course I was planning to design in the year before as we sat before the class.

It was easy to understand how to do doing the entire thing ourselves with no massive start up cost and no requirement to depend on someone else to complete all of this for us. It was not a thing which required programming or connecting to! At this point, we had learned all of the necessary functions to be able to operate effectively, market and sell our course.

We needed to allow us to distribute contents in drips by with a range of ways to distribute content, options for downloading material, the possibility of connecting to an email scheduling tool and the capability to offer diverse courses and packages making our branding unique and managing affiliates. All the features we needed could be found. Every. Single. One. I actually wept in relief.

Then we set to work on the creation and recording of our program.

The recording wasn't complete throughout the module, but it was not necessary to. If you plan to share information via drip feeds then it is essential to get ahead of first enrollees. The first two weeks were already noted by us. the first two weeks which was twelve weeks.

It was a site I was creating. It would be the sales page for our company. It will include information regarding our course and options to register (you can do this without the course, however we decided to create separate websites). Our logo, branding colors and branding are based on the advice of one of our customers.

Already had clients - we've obtained all of our clients as well as the former attendees of the workshop that we held live. All their emails have been stored in our database, which was at the time, had the number of email addresses at 696. These are the people who are familiar with us, recognize the effort we put into our work and are eager to learn more about our services.

It was awe-inspiring to discover that we're actually ready to go live. After several months it was a breeze to discover . Then we clicked the button to publish our course, linked our sales page , and then emailed our database informing of the fact that The Soul Adventure in it's digital version was available to buy.

We had 78 enrolments within the first week. We've been able to repay all the funds which we've invested in the tools, classes as well as subscriptions and more. It was the reason for us to complete recording of the other modules as well. We also had the opportunity to consider the feedback received and be sure that any future modules exactly reflected what people would like to see.

There's now a free introductory course to guided meditation. It will introduce people to us and the work we undertake. We're developing other offerings for free and also some paid courses that are an evolution from our earlier live classes.

It's exciting to be able to connect with individuals who have been close for quite a while, however, never meeting when working one-on-one with them at clinics, and being in a position to connect through our communities on the internet. It is also possible to reach all across the globe by our work, and beyond the tiny portion of the globe where we live in northern the north of the tropical north region of Australia.

We're excited to see the next thing we can do out of here.

Amy and Michael Harrison are therapists who aid people to make their lives simpler. Amy has a degree in Kinesiology, and Michael has a degree in the field of hypnotherapy. Both focus on helping their clients uncover their subconscious minds and let go of their negative patterns they've developed, as well as pinpoint those beliefs that restrict them and change their. You can find out more about them and their work at and their online guided meditation course, The Soul Adventure, can be found at

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