Forecast for the economy of creators The outlook for 2023 --

Jan 17, 2023

The world of creators featured a myriad of viral videos in 2022. ChatGPT made its entrance and The Corn Kid and Chrissy Wake Up played on repeat (IYKYK), and Creators graced our feeds daily with new things to know or share a laugh with. In the meantime, the creator economy, and the companies fueling it, experienced a variety of shifts. There were a lot of tech layoffs from players like Patreon, Thinkific, and Meta and a 50% drop in funding for creator-related startups. Many are thinking, what's the next step for the industry?

As 2023 approaches, organizations that operate in the creative economy must focus on creator-first solutions to address the main issue surrounding monetization.Before we dig into our key predictions as well as the key creator starter packs for the coming year, let's examine the the trends that we observed in 2022.

To get a pulse on creator life last year, we conducted a survey of creators about the sources of income, methods to monetize, and social media use. Three key trends emerged:

  1. The majority of creators don't make enough money to pursue their creator businesses full-time.
  2. The video content as well as the platforms that enable it rule supreme.
  3. Most creators depend on an external monetization service to make money on their content.

In the digital age, where you can go on the internet one moment and get multiple brand sponsorship offers every day, people want to know how much creators earn, particularly amateurs looking to determine if it's possible to make it a viable career choice.

We asked creators how much they had earned from online sources during the past twelve months. Not surprisingly, 42 percent of creators had a salary of $10,000 or lesswhile 9 percent of creators made above $250,000. The average is 22% of creators earned less than $1000from their work.

For creators who earned money from their content, YouTube with 23% of the market was the most popular platform that they generated the bulk of their earnings. TikTok was second with third spot being Instagram and events that took place in person.

The past was when YouTube was among the few social media platforms that share ad revenue with creators by way of AdSense which easily explains its popularity among creators. However, the rewards are low since 97.5 percent of YouTube users don't make enough to reach the U.S. poverty line. On TikTok as well as Instagram there are sponsored feed posts and videos for brands are usually higher-paying in comparison to the creator fund pay outs, but the payouts are little for the sheer number of creators who use the platforms.

There are many ways creators can monetize their work, including direct commercialization (charging customers using their own tools/website or through a platform like ) as well as third-party revenue generation (brand advertising or sponsorships on behalf of a different company). We asked creators if and how they monetized the following forms of content: online courses, live webinars, coaching, newsletters, podcasts, in-person events, ebooks, social media posts, and blog posts. Creators can also choose whether they provided these types of content for free or didn't offer them.

At 40% the online course proved to be the most sought-after product to directly profit from. For third-party monetization, coaching at 35% was most sought-after. Then, blog and newsletter articles ranked at 39% to be the most popular type of content that creators could offer without cost.

Overall, third-party monetization was the most popular technique of creators. For instance, taking sponsorships on a podcast or putting up an #ad on social media. This is in direct correlation to the fact that 69 percent of creators claim they depend on third-party monetization such as brands to earn money.

The creators are a part of social media, as it's a vital tools for communication and audience building. With regard to social media sites, YouTube had the most creators using the platform, with 77 percent. Facebook came in second with 72% followed by Instagram at 70%, and TikTok with 62 percent. The least popular social media site was LinkedIn with 27%. YouTube's growth in popularity is consistent with our results that YouTube is the best platform for creators to earn the bulk of their creative revenue.

We'll talk about people who use social media. There's an argument in the creator economy that in order to become a successful creator it is necessary to accumulate hundreds of thousands and even millions of followers. In our research findings, the majority creators are less than 10,000 followers on social media across every social media platform. About 35% of respondents reported following numbers between 1,000 and 999, while 26% said they had less than 1,000. The majority of creators fall at the level of micro-influencers (less than 10,000 followers) which can be more beneficial and attractive for brands because micro-influencers are an exceptionally loyal and niche audience with a higher engagement level.

Also, we asked creators about the activities on social media they participated in. Like, for instance, did they work with a brand on an initiative or organize the live stream of a video via a feed on social media? At 48% of the time, the most frequent action creators were able to report was responding to comments and questions on posts and stories. Coming in second, 36percent of the creators reported that they created digital products as a complement to the influencer-based marketing they do. Connecting with your audience online is essential for all creators; responding to questions and comments on their posts is a good way to build a genuine brand and improving customer engagement.

The overall results of 2022 reinforce that creators are actively making tons of material, particularly for social networks, however only the best few are reaping the most rewards.

  Creator economy predictions for 2023  

There have already been plenty of predictions about the future of the creative economy in 2023. Hot emerging AI tools popping up, YouTube and TikTok going against each other to gain over viewers, heightened creator burnout, and even, TikTok replacing Google as the next search engine.

But, the most poignant issue is that creators are finding out that relying on social platforms to earn money doesn't make sense. Some of the top creators are starting to figure this fact out. The influencer Hank Green revealed that his income was only $0.02 to $0.03 for every 1000 viewers on TikTok the world's most famous influential MrBeast claimed he earned less than 15,000 dollars a year through TikTok even though his videos have racked up billions of viewers.

As we move into 2023, artists will look toward solutions designed for creators and strategies that allow them to make money from what their work is worth. In its position as a leader in the direct-to-creator market We have three major predictions for the new year:

  1. Many creators will begin taking control of their online communities.

2. Creators will depend on social media as an avenue for traffic, not as of an income stream.

3. Live interaction with the public will be a huge comeback.

Three years have passed since the outbreak of the pandemic in 2022, and the year 2023 is expected to see the return of in-person events in full force. While events made a mini-comeback during 2022 event attendance was still down because people decided to avoid the crowds with alternative options. As we move into 2023, we'll see more creators to host in-person events , whether it's gatherings, workshops or live classes, or retreats. In-person events have been among the three most popular ways creators made the majority of their earnings. It's expected that they'll continue to build on this option.

4. Creators will increasingly use AI tools to manage their business.

If you've not been living under a rock for a while, you are aware that ChatGPT has overtaken the internet. It's a model that has been trained by OpenAI which can assist in the creation of content--long story short, you provide a topic or a inquiry and ChatGPT will generate the text for you. And, (spoiler alert) it's usually quite good. Creators will start to use programs such as ChatGPT to assist them to increase the quality of their output and speed up their process. This can help avoid burning out of creators.

  The Starter pack of the creator for 2023.  

No matter what will happen this year, creators need to fireproof their companies with the proper devices. If you're a creative looking to get started this year, here's your ultimate starter pack:

  • Direct-monetization toolin order to enable creators to do their passions full time, plus earn what their content is worth direct monetization is crucial. We call this the direct-to-creator market. Instead of relying on third-party sponsorships such as ads or brand partnerships, creators must be at the forefront of business deciding the price of their own content. Creator-first tools like empower creators to do just that through the direct monetization of digital goods including courses, coaching, podcasts, memberships, and communities--plus, helps to streamline your company so that everything can be located in one place. Creators have earned more than $4.3 billion in earnings and keep all of it.

In 2023, one thing is obvious: creators should remain in control in the decision of what their work is worth. While social media will remain crucial to build brand awareness and connecting with an audience, creators who rely entirely on social media in their business are playing an unwise game.

The goal is to become a major component of the creative economy debate. Through data-based findings as well as anecdotes. We hope to make the path to the monetization of knowledge easier for all creators. We've discovered that that one-third of creatives that have a full-time online businesses earn over the six-figure mark..


The insights in this survey are first-party information. The survey was sent to more than 1,900 creators we don't use . We received 1,046 responses with a 95% confidence interval. Please note we cannot access information about customers' emails using an alternative email marketing service We are unable to collect revenue numbers for any transaction or income that is that is not processed through the platform. All data is to be used only for general research purposes. Each response is confidential and we do not share information about the individual's identity with any third-party. To access data or for a discussion about collaborating you can contact [email protected].

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