Five Tips to Create an Online Community Business

Apr 6, 2022

The function of online communities in our lives has changed in the last 10 years. From the widespread adoption of social media platforms , to being connected anywhere via our mobile phones, most people are currently experiencing "community" online in some shape or form.

And beyond the Facebook group or Twitter feed, communities are also being transformed into big business in the creator economy. In certain instances, this can be due to communities being added to digital products, for example, that online course you bought that comes with a community you could join or the software support forum that you visit when you're stuck.

Online communities aren't just add-ons for other products. They are also becoming a form of product of online communities in their own rights. This is a reversed business model, where communities are no longer an accessory to another product. In fact, they are the core element of the vast majority of businesses online, and the traditional digital offerings like webinars and courses are the bonuses to the primary benefit of being part in the community.

The community-based business model works. They are a reflection of who we are as humans, helping us to build relationships and bonds. They have incredible potential to transform your online business.

In this post, we'll talk about various aspects of starting an online community-based business. Using the strategies in this article, you'll be able to transform your community from being a non-existent entity to a powerful, profitable business that either supplements your job, or even replaces it. Here are five secrets for creating a profitable community online.

If you're looking for more help for building your community Join OUR Mighty Community for free as well as meet fellow new and well-established community owners! We'd like to get to know you. Join for free!

        In this piece...    

1. Have an ideal member

2. Validate the business with the sales

3. Get the pricing right

4. Watch your churn

5. Pick the right platform

Have an ideal member

When we see an online community-based business experiencing difficulties, we often identify the absence of a an articulated membership strategy as a major problem. Communities that try to cater to everyone do not work effectively. In fact, some of the communities we've had the most success built on have an incredibly tight area of focus. Helping people learn how to use a make a bullet-journal. Connecting finance professionals from The United Kingdom. In creating a forum for youth ministers to exchange thoughts.

They are the kind of niches with clear definitions that billion-dollar communities are built around instead of catch-all, generic brands that serve nobody.

If you're attempting to complete the task of determining or defining who you're a part of We teach a research process that we call the Community Design(tm). One of the initial steps we take with it is to pinpoint your ideal member.

If you want your community to become profitable Don't think about who your ideal customer will be. Start 15-20 discussions with those you think might make a great fit. You can ask them concerns about their objectives and, more importantly consider whether you can help them with an item they'd be willing to pay for!

Once you have done this, you can create the so-called big goal statement. The big purpose statement will look like:

Validate the business with sales

One of the most effective ways to validate any online business is with sales. Ask anyone who's done the effort to create an online service and they'll tell you that many people will say, "Oh yeah, that's an awesome idea!" But it doesn't mean they'll buy.

If you are able to presell something and you can prove is a real product. And while it can be daunting to make a presell, it's worth it when you are able to make a sale prior to launching your concept.

Depending on your membership structure Can you set up the members of your online community? If you're conducting the interviews and have a really clear sense of who you think your "ideal member" is, you should try the idea! This could be as simple as notifying your ideal clients know that they can pre-purchase an account with a community before a specified release date.

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Make sure you are getting the right price

Pricing can be a challenge regardless of the industry you're in, and pricing on an online platform is no more difficult. It's tough to know which approach works best initially as well as there's some trial and error. As a reference point these communities on average of $39.55 monthly. This is an ideal starting point, but it's by no not a fixed figure.

When you think about pricing structure, think about what you're hoping to achieve in terms of value. Do you just run an online group? Would you like to increase sales to a virtual event, or high cost mastermind group?

The platform we've developed allows you to earn money with around 12 different options. Many people prefer to charge a low fee for membership for their communities, and make them pay on the other end from sale of courses. Some go in the other direction, charging a greater monthly membership fee and including all the fees. Others charge a premium fees for membership, and they also offer a higher-priced course! There's no one way to do it.

But, having said that Don't be afraid be able to charge a fee. The people will benefit more out of your community if they pay enough to consider it worth the service. Additionally, you will be able to add much more value to your community if you're not broke working at a job that keeps your community in the black.

It's easier to have 100 members that pay $40/month than attempt to recruit 1,000 people who pay $4 per month for similar amounts.

Watch your turn

One of the best aspects in establishing an online business community can be the monthly, recurring income. MRR is considered to be the most important thing in business. This is the reason that nearly every business you've ever heard of is switching to a membership or subscription-based model.

But if you want to run a successful MRR business, the goal isn't simply getting individuals in. You need to keep them in the business long enough for them that it is worth the effort. Particularly, if you're spending an enormous amount of time and cash on ways to acquire customers.

Pay attention more than how many join your group each month. Be aware of how many members are leaving. This is called membership churn. And getting your churn lower is just as important as getting your acquisition higher.

Make sure you are providing value to your customers.


  • It is measured.        
  • Interviews or surveys to ensure that people are satisfied.        
  • Do you think about conducting departure interviews with people who have left, if you are able. (Just request real feedback. )      
  • Find out what parts of the community are their favorites the most and do more of those things.        
  • Don't waste your time in things people don't pay attention to.        

These things are ways to reduce churn, and this is essential to the vitality of your community business.

Select the appropriate platform

It should not come as a huge surprise that here at, we are thinking a lot about the best possibility of a platform for the online world. The reality of any online venture is that your success will, to some extent, depend upon your decisions regarding the software you use.

The research shows how beneficial tiny changes in user experience could be for an online business. It is well-known that making the checkout procedure easier can result in more revenue, like. We are aware the addition of a community into the course can lead to better completion rates since people can stay on track and remain engaged. We are aware the benefits of having an app that helps you join your online community.

All of these reasons and more, the community-building platform you pick is crucial. In addition, for the value our team has created an incredible all-in-one that will do all you need to manage an amazing community without needing any other programs.

Don't take our word for it. You can try it for nothing, and no credit card required.

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