Five strategies to control festive events that won't harm the financial results

Jul 1, 2023

Smaller businesses are able to take part in Black Friday and Cyber Monday and not lose any cash. Learn how to plan festive promotions that won't harm your profits.

What's the first picture that enters thoughts when you think of the phrase "Black Friday"?

If you're like me, there are long lines that begin during the Thanksgiving season, massive crowds fighting over the least expensive televisions, as well as frantic employees of retail trying to keep pace (and keep peace).

The reality is that Black Friday -- and its counterpart on the internet, Cyber Monday -- has seen a change over the last many years. An increasing number of shoppers are looking for bargains at the convenience of their couch while "doorbusters" are now more symbolic and not literal.

for smaller-scale entrepreneurs and solopreneurs, discounts like the usual Black Friday and Cyber Monday discounts may seem unreal. Reduce your costs to a minimum and you risk barely making a profit.

However, that doesn't mean discount isn't possible for smaller companies. The only thing is a little more creativity than depending on sales that are biggest to drive the sales.

In this article, we'll offer five tips to help you maximize the benefits of Black Friday and Cyber Monday festive sales but without ruining your profits.

Are creators required to participate with creators Black Friday and Cyber Monday?

In short, yes.

The year 2020 was the one with the highest success in Black Friday sales. Black Friday sales made 9 billion dollars . Sales on Cyber Monday were up than the previous day, with $10.8 billion, which makes the day the most popular online shopping day up to now within U.S. history.

It's quite a sum of money spent over a several days.

The holiday sales on eCommerce are anticipated to top a record amount of $207 billion U.S. between November and 2021. It's an increase of 10% over 2020 sales. In addition, Cyber Weekend which runs through the weekend that runs between Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday will be the most important event.

Online shopping has become an increasingly larger portion of the Cyber Weekend pie in recent times. In the year 2019, 93.2 million buyers purchased online during Black Friday, and 83.3 million did the same for Cyber Monday.

And since the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic, the number of people shopping online is greater than before. In 2020, the amount spent on online shopping was $791.70 billion, an rise of 32.4 percent from the year before.

The public is always looking to find bargains on the web.

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The best way to profit from Black Friday 2021 Get the most out the most Black Friday with these dedicated tips, tricks and guidelines to make this your most successful selling year yet.

Digital products created by creators such as online courses, online classes as well as memberships enjoy the advantage of retailers who sell physical items.

The reason is that you're offering an actual product, which means that you do not have to worry about having adequate inventory or dealing with last-minute delay in supply chain.

It is also possible to provide your customers with immediate access to their purchase without the need to wait for long queues or wait for the order to be delivered.

There is a chance that you will not offer coupons for 75% discount or Buy-One-Get-One-Free promotions as large-box retailers, but there are options for creatives as well as small-sized businesses to take part with Cyber Weekend without breaking the budget. Take these steps to do just that.

5 suggestions for Christmas promotions which won't hurt your profits

#1: Offer discounts sparingly

Discounts are the primary reason to shop Black Friday and Cyber Monday. At the end of the day, who wouldn't want to save money?

Coupons have been scientifically proven to make customers satisfied. A study by Dr. Paul J. Zak Professor of Neuroeconomics found that those with coupons of $10 experienced a boost by 38% in oxytocin levels, and they were happier by 11 percent when compared to those who didn't receive coupon.

Small-scale companies may provide discounts or promotional codes for sale times during the time of the holidays. To ensure that you don't harm your profits, you must be sure to execute the offer the plan carefully and with care.

Another way is to offer limited coupons on events or to a certain group of individuals.

The constant discounting of your merchandise can harm your reputation and brand's value . If you have discounts offered throughout the year, and customers don't buy at the full cost -- they'll just wait for your next opportunity to have sales.

If you are only offering promotional offers a few times a year, such as Reuven consumers, they are more likely to avail of these promotions.

If you offer those promos available only to a limited group of customers or subscribers and subscribers, it is possible to make use of the concept of scarcity through FOMO (the anxiety of being left out).

FOMO is a potent instrument:

60% of people buy items because of FOMO.

90 percent of Americans think that a special offer will make them more likely to purchase using the name of a specific brand.

40% of the respondents believe that that this deal is going to encourage them to buy more quickly.

The case above is by Reuven He informs his customers that "Hurry and get your discount code, it's only valid through Cyber Monday." The customers only have a few days to use the 40 percent discount, making it more likely that they will use the discount.

There's no reason why you need to give 40% discount.

If the margins for your profit aren't too great, you can opt for less expensive discounts. describe Mike Moloney  the founder of FilterGrade :

"If your margins aren't as high, I definitely advise using lower discounts within the range of 10%-20%. They are extremely successful in making new clients."

The Rule of 100 says that for items below $100, buyers are more likely to see discounts in terms of percentages. In the case of things that cost more than $100, consumers prefer to see the amount actually that they had saved.

Coupons and discounts for all kinds of items could be a wonderful way to boost sales during those big sales days of the holidays -However, they're by no by any means the only option. Our next tip focuses on increasing value without making savings.

#2: Make bundles of products

Anyone who believed that "less signifies more" didn't mean to diminish the value of your Cyber Weekend deals.

If you're not able (or do not want to) offer discount coupons, then product bundles offer a wonderful method to increase an aspect of value and increase the value of your order (AOV) without offering discounts.

Patrick Campbell, Founder and CEO of ProfitWell ProfitWell Patrick Campbell is the founder and CEO of ProfitWell is interviewed about:

"Price Bundling" can allow businesses to combine multiple products or services together for a price. It is generally cheaper than if they were offered individually.
Even though each of the items in the package is technically offered at a discounted price the strategy could increase the average revenue per user (ARPU) as well as user engagement."

When it comes to digital goods, it makes much less sense to run the traditional Buy-One-Get-One-One-Sale since it's offering something for instance, an ebook or membership, and your customers only need to purchase only once.

Justin took advantage of the Bundling of products feature to offer all his most popular classes and contents to digital marketers for less than the cost of buying each item separately.

The method did not just increase the number of sales but also helped Justin gain new clients :

Explore's bundling capabilities as well as a variety of. Join here . (No need to use a debit or credit card!)

The bottom line is that bundles could be a fantastic price method to promote holiday sales. However, what happens if just sell one or two items? We've got you and your customers' lists of the best gifts for Christmas in this next advice.

#3: Aid shoppers in purchasing gift items

Cyber Weekend starts the season's busiest period when it comes to buying gifts for the holidays. For the year 2020 consumers spent on average of $311.75. annual average of $311.75 on holiday purchases.

To the creators (and your customers) online classes can be wonderful presents. This is why the technology and retail specialists of Mashable have put a year-long subscription to MasterClass as a top option for this year's gifts for the digital age:

Guides for gifts provide a wonderful way for people to cross all of their Christmas lists. If you have a website, you could create a special gift guide like this entrepreneurs' gift guide by the experts of business on Wandering Aimfully:

If you are listing your own items in the gift guide, make sure that you add additional tips. In other words, it's an advertising post to promote your business.

Also it's not a bad idea to have the standard alternative to gift giving -- gift cards. If you are selling on online platforms, you can develop gift certificate items to sell on your site, like the one included in Soul Food Talks :

However, the giving of gifts doesn't need to stop here -- Cyber Weekend is a great occasion to present the gift of your choice to your customers as well.

#4: sweeten the deal with a gift

Promotions' effects are anticipated to impact the vast majority of consumers at Christmas  as well as price reductions or free shipping gift cards are believed to be some of the best promotional offers.

The worksheets and checklists are excellent bonus items that can assist customers to gain more out of their purchases.

Marketing Showrunners achieved precisely what they wanted, and offered the following complimentary gifts to students were enrolled in the course before they had time to complete their Showrunners' Sessions class :

By offering a no-cost PDF book written by the Co-founder Jay Acunzo, Marketing Showrunners gave value in exchange to sign up early.

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If you're offering a Black Friday promotion is a offer for a free item, discount, or a product bundle, nobody will be aware of the promotion until you inform your clients. We'll get to our final point - let people know about your sales for the holidays.

#5: Let people know about your promotions

The most lucrative Christmas sales around the globe aren't going to do anyone any good if others aren't aware of the event. When you are organizing your Christmas sales be sure to spread the word and let customers know of your Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals.

A drip-campaign -- an email sequence that builds up for Cyber Weekend can help build anticipation. Be careful not to send too many emails and slamming your followers repeatedly, however.

If you've ever experienced it, then that people receive a lot of marketing emails from businesses prior to Black Friday. Online marketers delivered more messages during Black Friday than any other holiday in 2018.

Constant Contact advises you to send out three emails, at a minimum, one week before the day that your sales will begin: "One that teases your sales, another that provides the details of an offer and the final one concludes by advising you to take a final chance."

To know what to include in your email messages Here are two tips:

Add your promotional code to your subject message. Emails with percent-off discounts included in subject lines have been capable of achieving a mean conversion in the range of 18.1 percent when compared with 3.8 percent in subjects that don't include specific discounts.

Provide users with a feeling of that they are under pressure. An experiment conducted by ConversionXL found that the usage of a countdown timer -like DataCamp's DataCamp below led to an increase of 147% conversions.

Alongside email, using social media is another excellent way to get information out about your holiday specials in particular when your targeted market is young. 59 percent of Generation Z and 55 percent of the Generation Y find products through social media.

Like the drip-mailing campaign You can also make use of a variety of posts on social media in order to generate excitement around the Black Friday sales you are offering. For example, travel blogger Nele from The Navigatio built excitement for an upcoming product as well as a Black Friday sale with this tweet :

Within a few days after, Nele announced that her much-anticipated book was available:

Another perk of social media is the user-generated content (UGC). For all sectors, potential buyers who check UGC get converted at an sixteen percent higher percentage . Send testimonials of students, members, and also happy customers, in order to advertise the Cyber Weekend deals.

If you are unable to find a solution then you can make use of Black Friday as an excuse to post a cute picture .

The bottom line is that if there's the Black Friday sale happens and no one is aware of the sale, it's not really occur. You shouldn't only focus on providing the best deal -- ensure that the people who might be interested are aware of it as well.

Profit from the advantages from Black Friday and Cyber Monday

This year more than ever before Black Friday and Cyber Monday offer a fantastic opportunity for entrepreneurs, solopreneurs as well as small-scale businesses that sell on the internet. With even low profit margins it is possible to take advantage of this year's holiday shopping seasons.

Here's how:

Discounts should be offered sparingly and carefully. If more people expect discounts and discounts, the less likely they will be willing to pay the full amount.

Make product bundles by placing similar items together such as an eBook set, or an online class and related documents.

Let customers help with the Christmas shopping experience by promoting your merchandise as gifts or gift certificates or by creating a Gift Guide.

Attract shoppers with freebies including templates, printables and ebooks -to allow customers to maximize the value of their purchase.

Promote your holiday deals. E-mail and social media are two proven methods for spreading awareness of deals and promotions.

This article should have provided you with methods you can employ to offer great deals during the holidays but without affecting your profit margins. No matter if it's the first time you've ever been creating or your fifteenth this year, I'd like you all the best during Cyber Weekend and beyond.

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