Five Ecommerce Mistakes That Can Come Back to Haunt You 5 Ecommerce Factors that Can Come Back to Haunt You

Sep 4, 2023

If you think of the term "haunted," odds are the first thought that pops to mind isn't ecommerce. But in keeping with Halloween's theme I'm going to discuss five essential aspects of eCommerce that you don't want to come back to haunt the software you use.

1. Goblins, Ghouls, and Global Regulations | GDPR & PSD2

Risks of not being fully compliant with PSD2 and GDPR will be a recurrence in numerous ways. From limiting your client base, to getting penalized for costly fines. The most effective way to stay clear of this nightmare scenario is to ensuring you are compliant.

2. The dreadful lack of localization Globalized Pricing

It's true that the unknowing can be disturbing. The uncomfortable sensation inside the stomach you feel in the event of uncertainty occurs to many customers who shop online.

3. The Unrelenting Phantoms of Unfulfilled  Cart abandonment

4. Undead Uncollected Taxes VAT/TAX Complexities

There are a number of advantages to complying with local and international tax laws. Compliance not only helps to ensure that you're running your business within the local laws as well as to build the credibility of your business as a company that's dedicated to honesty.

5. Harrowing Tales of  Subscription Models

  1. Freemium balance: A good subscription model has a balance between how great their free-of-cost offer is, and how enticing it is to join premium.
  2. Rate of conversion to price-page: The price point of a subscription model must help not hurt a conversion rate. On top of that it is important that your pricing be easy enough for clients to use.
  3. Good Retention Rate: The objective of any subscription should be to increase the value of the customer's life (LTV) through a sustainable model that encourages an extremely high rate of retention.

Don't Let Ecommerce Scare You Away

If any of these items been causing you anxiety, fear not. 's full-service platform for ecommerce eliminates the stress of setting up and managing your online store so you can focus on more crucial things like working out what your costumes for Halloween will be this year. Make sure you are focusing on increasing your business' revenues and let us help you to:

  1. Stay up-to-date with global regulations.
  2. Make shopping experiences personalized to will convert.
  3. Reduce cart abandonment and protect the revenue from sales.
  4. Be aware of tax/VAT's complexities.
  5. Develop subscription models that are sustainable

In the Halloween season, it's not necessary to feel "haunted" by the e-commerce industry. Our full-service platform ensures that we have everything you need to get your business going during this frightening time of year and beyond.

Hannah Juley   Hannah is an UC-Santa Barbara. Her prior experience in marketing lead her to the Marketing Coordinator role. Hannah assists in content creation, social media and department expenditures. Outside of work she can be found on the beach, playing volleyball or reading a book.