Fine art photography The CreativeMindClass Blog
Custom-designed and frequently hand-crafted top hats, masks butterflies, crowns and paintings for backdrops. technique to get the smallest the details that are inspired by vintage noir films from the 1940s and 1930s. Many hours of preparations and deliberation go into every fine art photograph of the gifted Italian artist Giulia Valente.
We asked Giulia what her secret to making her fine art photography was. Here's her account.
"I graduated from Padua University, with a degree in music, art, and Theatre in 2006. I have always been attracted to art. One of the things that I love about living in Italy is that art is everywhere, so it's easy to draw inspiration.
My style is described as fine art photography. I can see a connection between painting and photography. In some ways, photography is painting's younger sibling. Photos, in addition to paintings can be my most important reference when I plan-shoot-retouch an upcoming project."
"Giovanni Gastel, the just passed away Italian photographer once stated that it is necessary to throw away 10000 good ideas before getting the right one. I attempt, in my own little way, to apply this principle. In fact, I have an entire journal of thoughts sketch notes, notes and ideas that will likely to be kept on paper for the rest of my life.
The most important step when making a decision on a project is planning. Pre-production is vital to decide that define the concept, and then make drawings, collect objects/props... It's a very difficult and lengthy process because photography of this type calls for a lot of concentration and even an obsession in the finer details, the things you don't immediately take notice of, but which will make a huge difference."
What were the keys in making the caterpillar photos?
"In the instance in this Caterpillar Project, I attempted to determine the characteristics that identify the character, that make him identifiable: the color blue as well as the hookah smokes and the wings when he turns into a butterfly, and also the attitude - somewhat conceited and arrogant. In the end, I wanted to connect the various elements togetherand re-create the style and look of the picture I imagined.
In May of 2021, an exhibition of my selected works was launched in the the Laboratorio Cardin(Padua, Italy). It is a great feeling and grateful for this being my first exhibition."
More of the artist's exquisite art photos, which are inspired by Italian and Flemish paintings of both the XV and XVI centuries you can view on her Instagram and her Website.
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