Evaluation of Community Platforms |

Jan 17, 2023

If you're looking to build a virtual group  If so, you're probably aware that we're living during an incredible time for the development of online communities.

Now more than ever individuals from all over the world seek out new methods to get connected with people that share similar interests as them. The problem is that with the many choices to choose from, it is difficult to determine how to assess the best community-based platform.

In the next section, we'll outline specific criteria to evaluate community platforms, so you'll be able to choose the one which is the best fit for your needs. First, let's talk about what is an online community platform is.

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In this article...

    What exactly is an online platform for community?

    four key elements to consider when the evaluation of community platforms

      1. Native capabilities

      2. Multiple ways to monetize

      3. The availability

      4. An excellent service system for support

    Are you ready to get started?

What is an online platform for community?

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A community online platform is a program that allows people to build and manage and grow online communities all in one place.

Also, online community platforms all revolve on creating a virtual community that connects people who share similar desires to communicate to achieve their goals, as well as build connections.

and the most important thing to creating those kinds of virtual spaces is selecting the right platform with many features, great community management software, and multiple ways to make money from your efforts.

But now having gotten the fundamental details off the table Let's break down how you go about evaluating community platforms.

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Four key factors to be considered when the evaluation of community platforms

Our criteria of community platforms into four categories: native capabilities and monetization, accessibility, and opportunities to expand. While there are a number of methods to judge the community-based platform, we believe these cover the top aspects.

1. Native features

In the time of writing the primary factor for evaluating community-based platforms is to research what kinds of features they have to offer.

When you're building an online community, the more options you have for designing the online space you wish to provide your members The more options you have.

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But one thing to look out for right off the bat is whether the features of the community platform are integrated or native. Native features are developed by the service creators and specifically designed with their platform in mind. Integrations on the other of the spectrum, are usually marketed as being easier, and more efficient for those who already have a successful company elsewhere.

In reality, the small benefit you get by integrating your site doesn't justify the added work and time juggling multiple platforms for the online communities you have. Unlike native features, which can be seamless.

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You might be wondering which native functions that we're talking about. here's a list of some that we love:


          Your online community for Web, iOS, and Android apps.                  

          Discussion boards post as well as polls and Q&As.                  

          Livestreaming as well as recorded video capabilities.                  

          Virtual Events, paid memberships, online courses.                  

          Direct & group messaging, member profiles.                  

          Complete analytics.                  

This feature will enable users to create an online community that offers a variety of content options and ways that your members can engage.

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2. Many ways to make money

A further important factor to evaluate communities is to know the options for monetization.

    Memberships paid for

When the evaluation of monetization options available on the community platform It is important to keep in mind that features and monetization go hand in hand. Think about it this way, when you have numerous options when it comes to making content and creating experiences for your members, that also implies that you can find more methods to make money from that content.

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One of the basic functions of a community platform that you'll want for monetization is the ability to charge for membership fees. This could be a one-time month, annual or monthly fees that users of your community are charged for access.

    Virtual Events

Another feature of the community platform that has proven important is the ability to hold virtual event.

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Virtual events can be a great monetization option as they allow for many different forms, both large or small. Additionally, you are able to charge attendees.

If you're managing an online social network, you might have big-name presenters be guests at a virtual gathering for your members. However, you could also host things as small as a social mixer or mastermind group.

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    Online courses

An online course is an additional community-building feature could be considered in your strategy for monetizing.

This isn't at your fingertips (and you might not be...yet!). However, online courses can be a great way to spur members' engagement, make money from older content, and increase the size of the reach of your business.

In the same way that the online community brings people together in common goals the same is true for an online course. When you make an online course you're creating an online community that has a specific goal in mind that the members of your community will be able to reach.

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When you look at community-based platforms that offer online courses (which is a must!) these features should be easily implemented and native. These platforms are like Circle which will attempt to sell you on simply integrating a community into your online course or vice versa, but why should you have two platforms when you could have one with both?

It doesn't matter if your group is focused on spirituality, finance, art, self-care, or something different. Online classes are an excellent opportunity to open the eyes on your online community as well as re-engage individuals who've dropped off. One of the best features on a community platform is being able to offer discounts on group membership when someone is taking the online course.

3. Accessibility

Our society is in an age where many people use their phones or tablets instead of sitting down at an office computer. A crucial aspect to evaluate the community platform is how accessible their platforms are.

What exactly do we mean by this? When we talk about availability it's about the necessity of providing a stellar web and native mobile app experience. Some platforms do not provide the functionality, so your users are required to connect to your online community via a mobile web page. That's...not great.

There's good news that there are several platforms that provide native mobile apps that are made available for iOS and Android devices. If you want to go one step further you should select a platform which allows you to create an app that is white-label with the branding of your choice will place you in the most advantageous position.

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4. A great support system

The final criteria for evaluating community platforms is something you might not think about not having a support mechanism for your platform.

In the conclusion of the day it's possible to have all the features on the community platform that you want, a plethora possibilities to make money and a stunning mobile app. However, the real-world reality is that you're bound be able to ask concerns.

No matter if you're a designer who is building your first online community or changing an existing one to a new platform, the company you choose to work with will have a wealth of sources to guide you.

We provide a community for free called Mighty Hosts, which anyone is able to join to connect with other creators building communities. So you're not only getting an increasing number of community connections, but also an immense number of tools for building your own community, getting it started and taking them to the next step.

It does not matter what options are available to you if you don't know how to make use of these options. Make sure you select the right platform that has a good service is essential.

Ready to start?

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It is a robust cultural software platform to combine community, classes along with content and commerce. Additionally, Mighty's customizable Spaces give you the option to develop what YOU want for your community, and not the features that a platform suggests you should have. It is possible to select features like live streaming, courses, events, discussion forums members' chats, lengthy as well as short-form content as well as more! Additionally, you are able to sell access in 135 different currencies and with token-gating.

In addition by utilizing the Mighty Network, you'll be able to offer all of these pieces together with your own branding, instantly available on web, iOS, and Android. Do not underestimate the value of having your customers capable of accessing your company's brand anywhere they're.

Let's start building the community you've been thinking about.