Episode 8 of the podcast: Jan Koch - Freelancer Turned Virtual Summit Wizard Talks How to create a massive mailing List with an untapped strategy - WordPress Membership plugin - Membership Sites

Sep 1, 2022

Episode 8 on The podcast Jan Koch - Freelancer turned virtual Summit Wizard Discusses the Best Ways to Create a Huge Mailing List using an Untapped Strategy

Jan's sites are featured in the show: Virtual Summit Mastery
     List Building School

In this episode of the podcast for memberships and courses We talk to Jan Kock about how he has been able to launch his own business online, which consists of summits.

Jan talks about a fantastic way to build lists that you can create a large list with minimal upfront cost (possibly perhaps none). It's all about running virtual summits.

Summits are virtual and are free to attend so that you can create an audience. Experts from the industry will speak at the summit. They will also the cost of upgrades for tickets for events that include extra benefits.

Jan will also discuss his tips and experiences in building confidence with cameras, the type of equipment is required in order to start, and other information that is important to not be able to leave out.

HTML0 Just some of the highlights...

  • The best way to break free from a business rut (2:52)
  • How do successful entrepreneurs can bring everyone all together (8:53)
  • What are ways Jan and you could make the weak points you consider to be weaker into strength (15:19)
  • The one secret that everyone "experts" know that will turn YOU an expert once you hear it (18:11)
  • Step-by-step, insider information about validating your niche (28:17)

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If you're contemplating setting up a membership-based site or know whether your current site could be a good model it, take a peek at the guide that is free below:

Take a look at the video of 10 membership models

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"We've tested a few other membership tools that came as in the package we'd made a commitment to. However, there's nothing that can beat the Member. I'm sure that there are plenty of awesome things that members have been building through time. However, when you think about personalization, when you use WordPress it is impossible to modify this. Naturally, I'm biased, however there have been millions of dollars made through this program."

Tristan Truscott Satori Method I've put Member at the top of my selection of choices for anyone. The new Member is a mighty weapon! Member's price is a great deal.

Chris Lema LiquidWeb Membership is integrated with all the tools that I am using right now. It's easy to connect to the latest tools which are being released. It's amazing how they do it. If I had to purchase the membership plugin of today... to me I'd go with Member.

Adam Preiser WPCrafter

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