Do not be ashamed of your accomplishments: Danica Larsen Receives the Q3 2023 Springie Award -

Dec 31, 2023

We are thrilled to share the news that Danica Larsen is the winner of the 2023 Quarter 3 Springie Award! Danica is a manager of Customer Success who has consistently displayed the fundamental values of Finding the Way and Make a Change to comprehend and act promptly by displaying her enthusiasm in the work she performs along with her constant devotion to her team.

Danica's contribution to the company can be seen by her various contributions to the company. Danica is never outside of the scope of her duties to assist colleagues and is eager to provide assistance and share her experience. The desire to know how she's helped to build trust between colleagues, which have led to a more positive and cooperative workplace. When faced with an issue, Danica has a drive to respond quickly by focusing on the issue and finding strategies to ensure she's able to finish her projects. The Vice Director for People & Culture, Louise Cherry Barber is able to have an occasion (virtually) to talk with Danica about her award-winning work as well as her experiences in the office .

Danica's devotion to her work and commitment to our company's policy has allowed her to become an integral member of our staff. Her positive attitude and her ability to assist, and even solve challenges, will make a significant contribution in the life of fellow employees and in the overall health of .

We are extremely happy to have Danica on our team. We'd like to thank Danica on the honor she has earned. Danica's passion for perfection and her example of what we value are the source of the inspiration of all of us.

Read on for an abbreviated version of the exchange Danica: Danica:

Louise Cherry Barber: Danica You are among the Springie Award Winner for our third quarter of 2023! What is what is significance of you getting selected to receive an award like the Springie Award here at ?

Danica LarsenIt is truly wonderful and very satisfying to know that I've put in a significant amount of myself -my unique personality into my work. It was satisfying to know that other people knew about it and that my work was valued and appreciated. This is not just because of the fact that I had the number which I was aware of, along with other workplaces I've been employed in, but also due to my personal characteristics and things that I've accomplished in addition to the single number. It was an honor being acknowledged as the unique person I am as a person. It truly touched me.

Louise Cherry Barber: It's amazing and merited. An area that I'm fascinated by, I'd like to meet with you to discuss your most memorable moments in relation to the way you've received news, and in particular, what you've added to the program of benchmarking. It was a well-respected program by small number of individuals. Could you provide more details on this?

Danica LarsenYes I've put in a lot of effort that I'm very happy to be recognized. I'm a little surprised that benchmarking is one of the areas that have been mentioned because it's still in the very beginning and there's a lot to be done. Thus, I'm pleased that everybody is taking a positive perspective on this. Since it's likely to bring enormous value. I believe it's going offer many advantages, not only to our business as well as our clients and sellers as well. And we'll help give our customers insights on how we can improve over time, and also what we're seeing will work to the future as a viable strategy. The first announcement of the beta phase was thrilling because it demonstrated that many others see the benefits too.

Louise Cherry Barber: We recently updated our corporate values to include: Be different by educating yourself and acting with urgency. I'm curious about your opinions on these new values.

Danica Larsen Danica Larsen: At the heart of it is to follow the right path and being aware. It's about analyzing, getting into depth and taking a decision quickly that is founded on knowledge. This is the method I use and am dedicated to it every morning... In addition, we take into consideration the individuals who make up the Support Team as well as the Support Team which I'm talking about members who share the same beliefs as our clients and with our customers every single day. They are at the top of their field, seeking the best understanding and are capable of executing quickly as the best way to do this. Due to business needs it is impossible for any other company working with us.

Louise Cherry Barber:What advice would you recommend to people on the opposite side? Are you willing to adhere to the principles you've set? Are you willing to provide ideas on how you can make them a reality?

Danica Larsen It is my personal belief that I share my personal viewpoint. In my opinion, most important is to become as knowledgeable as is possible. If you're dealing with various accounts such as the corporate ones, suppliers as well as the individuals whom we deal with, understanding their requirements and their real motives for requirement is essential for what we do and how we're expected to conduct ourselves. It's "seeking an understanding" which is accomplished without paying attention. The first thing I would recommend is to listen to individuals.

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