Cyber Weekend Information on Benchmarking for 2023 Software and SaaS Annual Report about the holidays (PDF)

Nov 5, 2023

Quartly, sales figures for Q4 tend to outstrip those from prior quarters because of the end of the festive season and the time of sale. But, how will these changes impact Software or SaaS sales? Will they boost B2B sales also, or will they be more positive on B2C sales?

Retailer who serves as a record keeper for more than 3500 businesses who make use of our platform each day to market digital goods globally. We've looked over general sales figures to inform you of the importance of Q4 to the program you are using in addition to SaaS and other programs that are commercial.

These latest trends for this holiday season could be brought on by the advent of Black Friday deals and spread through Cyber Monday or even all weekend long, which is commonly called Cyber Weekend -Sales across the entire quarter have generally been satisfactory as people are excited to spend the holiday time with family and friends. Are you taking advantage of every opportunity for sales in Q4 for your software for business?

Below, we'll cover:

We Data Our Data Our

Which Are the Data Sources?

The business is a partnership that includes more than 3500 companies that help in selling digital goods to more than 200 nations and regions across the globe. The information we've gathered has been refined included in the report order to make the document compatible with software, as well as SaaS firms.

The details above are specific to the location in which sales were conducted however, they are not the only location that the company is situated in.

For the purpose of calculating global sales data, we selected eight nations that include The United States, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, India, Brazil, Australia and China to provide a complete view of the global sales.

If the  is based on using the data directly from

The following data are compiled between 2018 and 2022 in order to provide the most up-to-date details. Also, it provides the same trends for five years while ensuring that outliers do not affect the information in any way.

We also employ an indicator of seasonality order to determine the volume of sales in each quarter, or for every month, against the year's monthly and weekly mean.

We started by reviewing U.S. software and SaaS sales figures from up to 2022 for a better understanding into trends in monthly and quarterly sales for the last five years.

After you've figured out the monthly average, you can compare the month's sales against the average for the month, you'll have the ability to determine a percentage. If, for instance, the February sales ratio is 90 %, that indicates that it's 10% more expensive with regards to sales when compared with the average monthly. In the case of for instance, November's the sales percentage of 111% meaning that the earnings of this month are higher than the average monthly of 11.

5YR's median US SaaS sales and monthly software sales

Although sales hit their highest in November with an increase of 11 percent over the average monthly, the quarterly sales reached their peak through the whole year. The month of October witnessed sales that are extremely strong which has seen an increase of 4 percent. And in December, they're eight percent better.

Graph showing US software and SaaS sales by month throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. November, December, and October are the highest, in that order.

5 years on the average US SaaS as well Software quarterly revenue

Comparatively to the median of quarterly sales, sales for the fourth quarter surpassed that of the median by 8. It's a number that puts the 3 quarters smaller than the median.

Graph showing US software and SaaS sales by quarter throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. Q4 is the highest at 108%

Moving beyond and past the U.S., we combined information using the same traits of the U.S., Canada, Germany, Great Britain, India, Brazil, Australia and China. This provides a more clear picture of the way software sales might be affected across the globe.

In reality, the increase is growing in size.

Five-year global average of SaaS Software sales and SaaS, sorted according to Month

The global sales reached a record of 16.6 percent during the month of November. This is significantly higher than the typical monthly rate. Like similar to U.S. data above, November and December were two of the best quarters for productivity in the year. Both quarters witnessed an increase of 7,7 and 4,7 and 7 respectively.

Graph showing global software and SaaS sales by month throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. November, December, and October are the highest, in that order.

5YR global SaaS average and Software revenue per quarter

In light of the closing of the year's year-end analysis, Q4 showed a 9 percent higher than average for the quarter. That's enough for the next three quarters between or below what is the mean.

Graph showing global software and SaaS sales by quarter throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. Q4 is the highest at 109%.

The revenues in the period that ended in the fourth quarter were 1% higher than sales from the U.S. for the same month. However, in November there saw a rate of growth that was 16% more than U.S.'s rise by 11% over the same period of time The evidence suggests November is a great month to sell possibilities all over the world.

Average 5YR SaaS and Software monthly sales in all of the countries

For more details on how every month is separated into countries, we looked at data for eight countries which we took into our analysis of the world. The the monthly revenue of software updates can look like if you take five years of information from the following countries which includes countries like the United States (US), Canada (CA), Germany (DE), Great Britain (GB), India (IN), Brazil (BR), Australia (AU), and China (CN).

Graph showing software and SaaS sales of 8 countries by month throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. All countries see a bump in November, with China and Germany being the largest.

The big gains that were seen in nations like China and Germany during November indicate the enormous potential of SaaS as well as software companies to generate revenue throughout the fourth quarter of this year, particularly if you plan to include these markets in the course of your plan to expand worldwide.

However, even if U.S. data suggest a smaller increase of just 11% over the course of November, keep in mind the fact that North America accounts for a significant portion of the world's software and SaaS revenues. large share of the worldwide software and SaaS revenues, with one study claiming the 40% share of software revenue in 2022 was out of North America, and studies that show as high as 57.5 percent of all SaaS marketplace and software revenue is directly from North America. That means that an increase of 11% in November within NA U.S. could mean an increase in revenue when it's part of a bigger segment of.

B2C vs. B2B

Some companies that sell software in the world offer B2C along with B2B markets. Whichever your SaaS business's primary goal for either of the two essential to look at the way sales results vary between the two parts that make up the market. This information will assist to determine the best way to focus your efforts in marketing and sales specifically the elements mentioned above, particularly where they stand the best chance of the desired results.

The findings of the study show that similar patterns are evident throughout the year. The fourth quarter was the highest-profiting quarter across the two segments.

Graph showing B2C versus B2B global software and SaaS sales by quarter throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. Q4 is highest for both B2B and B2C, higher for B2C.

B2C sales recorded an average increase of by 11% over typical during the prior quarter. It shouldn't come as a surprise given the time of year. known for its advertisements on consumerism"consumer "consumer" can be found in the name.

Do not put too much faith on B2B sales in the 4th quarter. In spite of the fact that B2B sales seem to be slightly stable throughout the course of the year in comparision to B2C revenues, the growth by 5 percent during the quarter's fourth is important in a sometimes driven by the consumer where sales are profitable towards the end of the year. The same applies regardless of whether consumers purchase items for themselves or in order to help business. Credit cards for transactions for business will continue to be used by an increasing number of customers of software. They could be a requirement to get the lowest price when departmental budgets are rigid and can affect purchasing the item.

In addition, customers from B2B may be looking to make use of extra budgetary resources prior the end of the year, so that their budgets are not slashed to be used for the next year. It could be departments or teams that are set up in the proper technology structure before the start of the year. Such business-related events can result in an increase in B2B transactions in the final quarter of 2014, in spite of the numerous interruptions for work during the Christmas season.

Cyber Week Strategies for SaaS and Software Companies

Are you wondering how you can reap the maximum benefit from the growth that took place in the fourth quarter this year? No matter what your goal is, and regardless of whether you're looking for B2B or B2C customers, there are ways to boost revenues from software and SaaS before the end of this year.

     Coupon Coupons to Partners that can be customized    

Additionally, you'll be able observe more precisely the effectiveness of coupon as well as whether or not it was able to beat other coupons.

     Are You Lacking Partner companies that you can give coupons Specially to? Find Some!

If you're still struggling to gain from partnerships with partners who offer promotions this Christmas season could offer new possibilities for networking with. Find SaaS or software-based companies that offer solutions that will improve your existing. (For instance, let's say you are developing the database software and would like to find companies that develop the software that you develop a front-end.)

Custom coupon codes can also provide the possibility of exchanging Cyber Weekend promotions to each of their targeted audiences by email, Web banners, banners online, mentions on social media, as and other ways that can help any business grow its revenues at the close of the year.

Make Your own email address available to prospective customers

If you decide not to participate in promotional partnerships, such as when you're forced to take on something else, and there is more time available to plan emailing out the list of your clients is a straightforward and straightforward process to do.

Prospective customers won't profit from deals they're unaware of. You shouldn't solely rely on banner ads on your site to grab prospective buyers' the attention of your website. You must ensure that those who visit your website are alert to messages regarding coming and actual sales order to draw the attention of all who are.

     Contact your existing customers and an email    

For potential buyers, you shouldn't expect them to be in the awe of sales, even in the event that they're not aware of holiday sales or vice versa.

There are a variety of ways to earn cash which you can pursue using the users you already are able to.

  • Add-ons to increase sales. Check user information for users who use your product frequently or frequently, as these are the users who will most likely have more options or need accessibility.
  • Increase subscriptions by providing alternatives. As with downloading, if have the ability to determine the most valuable customers for your company It is feasible to concentrate your marketing efforts to the ones who are most likely to make purchases greater of your service.
  • Switch users who are able to switch users from free to paid ones through a compelling offer. If the freemium feature is a crucial element of your company, giving a massive discount at the time of Christmas can be a motivator for customers to change to users that have no cost. Customers appreciate the benefits they're able to access but they also realize they'll gain from using the feature more.
  • Upsells are able to be developed by the conversion of individual subscriptions and also to create group-based subscriptions which can be enterprise-level. It's often difficult to identify individuals that serve as representatives for products they offer in their business however, if you've got the ability of tracking details of user's preferences (such as those which can be acquired by the sales team within your system) during the fourth quarter of 2018 this could be the perfect time to target companies that are home to at a minimum a few customers. However, you could get a lot more.
  • Cross-sells could be created to be completely distinct items. If the business you run has several products, you stand a great possibility to promote the buyer of your product by encouraging buyers to buy your item and then reverse. The greater the number of items you're permitted to offer and the greater division you'll have and the higher chance you'll make money from.
  • Change the user to subscriptions for both annual and monthly. It is the English expression "A bird's hand is better than the bush" usually applies to businesses because the income you generate for your business today might be more than the revenue that you will receive in an unplanned way over the next. Benefit from customers looking for bargains during the fourth quarter by offering some compelling offers that reduce costs in the future as they upgrade their contracts to a contract that runs throughout the year.

Leverage Social Media

Social media platforms provide an the perfect chance to enjoy the Christmas season as well as post holiday-themed content from the enterprise.

Many social media platforms come with advertising features that allow users to be targeted by geographic location or the specific areas of interest. You might want to consider taking advantage of the possibility to show local Christmas advertisements within regions that are of interest to you. You can also use the option to display ads to people who have stated plans to utilize the website.

The truth is that authentic content posted on social media websites are typically accessible to all people who have a connection to your page regardless of the location they appear. It's a fantastic chance to boost sales and ensure that your followers aren't only a limited percentage. If you've got fans or readers with different preferences, then those looking for Christmas related content could be.

     Give more Discounts for Geos Target    

If you're able to earn more profit in one particular region or want to enter a new market, promoting more aggressive sales in specific areas will allow you to benefit from Cyber Weekend sales increases.

To implement this, include GeoIP-based features on your website for advertising. They will highlight discounts specific to specific regions.

You can then utilize Store Builder Library Store Builder Library to help you apply coupons as you shop. It can increase the conversion rate of your store.

Although Cyber Weekend has become popular throughout the world, there are a few local celebrations which could yield more profit within the region or region you're trying to target. This kind of holiday, such as Boxing Day can rival more U.S.-centric marketing campaigns (such Black Friday and Cyber Monday). Black Friday and Cyber Monday) in different nations like Australia and Canada. UK, Australia, and Canada.

The best way to make your Christmas-related promotional activities to the geographic place of your area to ensure that you don't lose massive opportunities within areas important to you.

What should I know?

Global Payments: Localized currencies, as well as Payment Methods

It is important to realize that making your product available to more nations isn't enough. It must be simple for customers to purchase.

     Global Tax Management don't require you to think about taxes    

Contact Management of Customer Support!

The most crucial aspects of the work we do is handling our customer support. Customers can contact us for help whenever they face issues with transactions and checkouts as well as tax or subscription issues downloading, bill and billing and other issues.

Katie Stephan

Katie Stephan Katie Stephan is the Senior Content Strategist for . With her numerous years of work experience within the industry, she obtained an MFA in writing creative non-fiction and is also a part of the community she is a part of as a university writing instructor.

This blog post was first posted on this website.

This article first appeared on this site.

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