Cyber Weekend Benchmarking Information: 2023 SaaS and holiday software Spend Report

Nov 5, 2023

The Q4 numbers of sales usually surpass that of other months because of the holiday season as well as the associated shopping seasons However, what percentage of this increase is attributed into software and SaaS sales? And does it improve B2B business sales as well or is it just a B2C benefit?

acts as a retailer in charge of over 3500 companies that use our platform each day for selling digital products worldwide. We've examined aggregate sales data to provide you with insights on the importance of Q4 to be to your SaaS software, program or digital product enterprise.

These latest trends for the holidays might have started with Black Friday deals and spread to Cyber Monday but the whole weekend is now often described as Cyber Weekend as well as the overall market is generally robust as consumers prepare for its many holidays. Are you taking advantage of every Q4 opportunity to sell for your software-related business?

Below, we'll cover:

About Our Data

Where Data Are From? The data is sourced

The platform is used by more than 3500 organizations that enable them to sell digital products in over 200 territories and countries around the world. We've restricted the information we've used for this study to make it applicable to software, as well as SaaS companies.

The information below is specific to which locations transactions were conducted, not in the exact location that the business is headquartered.

In order to get global stats, we selected eight countries which include those of the United States, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, India, Brazil, Australia as well as China in order to give you the full picture of the worldwide numbers of sales.

When the Data Are from

These data were compiled from 2018 to 2022, providing the most current details, with trends that are consistent across an entire five-year time frame, and also avoiding any outliers that could skew the data unnecessarily.

In addition, we employ an index that highlights each quarter's or month's sales as compared to the year's monthly or daily average.

We started by looking through U.S. software and SaaS sales numbers from 2018 to 2022 in order to get insights on quarterly and monthly sales trends over the last five years.

To determine a monthly average to calculate a monthly average, we have compared the sales for each month with this standard to figure out an approximate percentage. For instance, if February's percent is 91%, this means it's 10% more expensive in terms of sales when compared with the monthly average. If the November sales report with a rate that is 111% this implies that the sales of November were 11 percent more than average sales for every month.

5YR Average US SaaS as well Software Sales per Month

The peak of sales occurs in November, with sales being 11% higher than the typical monthly average, sales during the whole quarter are at their highest throughout the entire year. October is particularly high, where sales are 4% more than the previous month and December being 8% more.

Graph showing US software and SaaS sales by month throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. November, December, and October are the highest, in that order.

5YR Average US SaaS, as well as software sales per quarter

If you look at the median of quarterly sales, the Q4 numbers have a higher percentage of 8% and are such that the other three quarters are just below the average.

Graph showing US software and SaaS sales by quarter throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. Q4 is the highest at 108%

Going beyond into the U.S., we combined data with comparable characteristics from U.S., Canada, Germany, Great Britain, India, Brazil, Australia in addition to China. This allows us to get an idea of what the sales of late-year software might change across the globe.

The bump actually increases in the size.

5YR global SaaS average and Software Monthly Sales

The global sales hit a record-breaking high of 16% during November, which is compared with the monthly average. As in the U.S. data above, the months of December and October are among the most profitable quarters of the year, with between four and seven percent growth.

Graph showing global software and SaaS sales by month throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. November, December, and October are the highest, in that order.

5YR Global Average SaaS and Software Sales per Quarter

From a quarterly perspective The figures for the fourth quarter are 9 percent more than average for the quarter. This has been higher enough to put all three quarters below the mean.

Graph showing global software and SaaS sales by quarter throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. Q4 is the highest at 109%.

The global Q4 sales were a mere 1 percent higher than the sales from America. U.S. for the same month, and the November of its own month witnessed an increase of 16% over U.S.'s 11% jump during the exact same month, which suggests November is a huge sales opportunity across the globe.

5YR Average SaaS and Software Sales by Month and by country

To know more about the sales breakdown of each month in countries We looked at the data for the 8 countries that we've included in our global summary. Here is an overview of the monthly changes in software sales are based on five years of data from countries such as those of the United States (US), Canada (CA), Germany (DE), Great Britain (GB), India (IN), Brazil (BR), Australia (AU), and China (CN).

Graph showing software and SaaS sales of 8 countries by month throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. All countries see a bump in November, with China and Germany being the largest.

Significantly high gains in countries such as China and Germany in November point to an enormous opportunity for SaaS as well as software companies to make money in the fourth quarter, especially when you're targeting these countries in a global expansion strategy.

Additionally while U.S. data suggest a smaller lift of only 11% in November, consider this: North America accounts for a large significant portion of the world's software and SaaS revenues. One study showing that 40% of 2022's software revenue are attributable in part to North America, and other studies revealing a percentage of as high as 57.5 percent of the 2020 world SaaS market which comes from the NA. Thus that a rise of 11% in November within North America in the U.S. may mean an rise in revenues when there is a rise in revenue when the U.S. is a part of a larger.

B2C vs. B2B

Most companies selling software globally offer B2B and B2C markets. But, regardless of whether your SaaS business focuses only on one or both, it is crucial to be aware of how selling patterns vary across the two categories. The resulting information can assist you to determine how best to focus marketing and sales efforts in these areas, particularly when it comes to the one industry that has more potential.

The resulting data show the similar trends across the entire year. The fourth quarter was by far the highest-profiting quarter across both the segment and industry.

Graph showing B2C versus B2B global software and SaaS sales by quarter throughout the year, using 5 years of data to average. Q4 is highest for both B2B and B2C, higher for B2C.

B2C sales experienced an average rise of 11% higher than the median of the period. This is not surprising in a season which is renowned for its promotion of consumption- "consumer" is the title.

Don't put too much faith in B2B revenue in the 4th quarter. Even though B2B revenue appears to be more consistent over the course of the year compared to B2C revenues, the 5 percent rise in the fourth quarter is notable in a high-spending sector, that is taking benefit of deals that are closing out the year irrespective of whether the purchaser is buying to themselves or for their business. Corporate credit cards are still used by a lot of people buying software and may require a good offer, especially when rigid departmental budgets play a role in their purchase decisions.

Furthermore, B2B buyers could be looking to make use of up budgetary money before the close of the year, to ensure that their budgets are not cut in the coming year. Or, they may be pushing their groups or departments to get outfitted with the right equipment prior to the start of the new year. Business-specific instances like these could result in increased sales for B2B during the fourth quarter in spite of the delays to operations due to the Christmas time.

Cyber-Week Strategies for SaaS and Software Companies

Are you wondering how to maximize this boost during the 4th quarter? No matter what your objective is whether you're looking for B2C or B2B customers. Here are some ways to increase the sales of software as well as SaaS revenue by the end of this year.

HTML1 Offer Partners Custom Coupon Promo Codes

In addition, you'll have the ability to monitor how the sales promotions performed in comparison to other coupons.

     Do You Not Have Partner Organizations to Offer Discount Coupons Customized to? Find Some!

If you're not yet benefiting from promotional partnership opportunities, the holidays may bring about new partnerships. Find other SaaS or software companies that offer products that compliments yours. (For example, such a thing happens, for instance, you design a database software search for firms that create front-end software.)

In addition, custom coupon codes can be used that you swap Cyber Weekend promotions to each of their audiences through the use of banners on websites, emails as well as social media posts and various other strategies that help both companies boost their sales by the end of the year.

Contact Potential Customers

If you decide not to pursue partnership promotions -for example, in the case of an even bigger project that you'll need more time to prepare for sending out emails to your current contacts list of potential partners is a an easy and fast method to implement.

Potential buyers can't benefit from deals they aren't aware about, so don't depend just on a banner for your site to attract the attention of prospective buyers on a visit to your site. Bring them onto your site through proactive emails regarding upcoming, current, and extended offers to draw their attention regardless of where they are.

Contact Your Current Customers

Just like potential clients They can't be enticed to buy if they don't know about promotions for the holidays, also.

Here are a handful of opportunities to earn money that you could target within the existing users you have:

  • Extensions for selling. Review the user profile of those who utilize your product most of the time, or on a regular basis, since they may be more likely to require additional features as well as ease of use.
  • Upsell bigger subscriptions with other features. Like with downloads If you are able to find your product's most influential users, you can target people who are likely to purchase more through your offering.
  • change freemium customers to paying subscribers with an enticing sales. If freemium is a big element of your business plan and you are looking to increase your revenue, a big sales during the Christmas season could be a way to convince users love the features they have access to, but also realize that they can really gain from a lot more.
  • The capability to increase the price of individual subscriptions to group subscriptions, or from enterprise to team subscriptions. It may not be easy to identify which customers also turn into evangelists within their company however, if you are in a position to collect contextual data on users (such like the type of data that you can gather from the internal salesforce) during the 4th quarter 2018 could be a great moment to focus on businesses with some user penetration and an opportunity to get more.
  • Cross-sell to completely brand new items. If your business model has a number of separate products there's an enormous chance to reach the customer users of a product by offering offers to purchase the other, and vice versa. If you're able offer many products, and also the better segments you're able to create, your chances are greater.
  • Switch users off of year-to-month subscriptions. It is the English expression "A bird that is in your hands is worth 2 dollars" is also a common saying in the world of business since the revenue you can earn for your organization now may be preferable to slightly higher revenue that is distributed gradually over the course of the year. Benefit from customers with a shopping attitude at the end of the fourth quarter: entice buyers with an appealing deal to cut costs over the long term by switching your monthly plan to a yearly one.

 Leverage Social Media

Social media websites can provide an great platforms to celebrate holiday celebrations, as well as sharing seasonal images from your business could seem sensible.

Many social media platforms have advertising options that are directed at users according to geographical location or by their specific interests. Consider taking advantage of the possibility of showing regional holiday advertisements for the region you are in as well as the ability to show ads to people who've expressed a an interest in celebrating the holiday via the platform.

In contrast, organic posts on social media are often able to be seen by all users that follow you regardless of their location -- could be an excellent method of spreading sales, without restricting views to a tiny part. Be aware the fact that If you're a fan or an your audience is varied, then your holiday-specific organic posts are also likely to be so.

Give More Exciting discounts on The Target Geos

If you're experiencing higher profits in one particular area or are trying to enter a new market, then promoting special discounts for specific areas can help you reap the benefits of Cyber Weekend sales increases.

To implement this, make use of GeoIP-based elements on your website to offer discount codes for regions.

Use's Store Builder Library to immediately apply the coupon code during checkout. This will help increase your conversion rates.

localize Holiday Promotions

Although Cyber Weekend has become popular across the globe There are some local events that could be more profitable within the country or region that you're aiming at. Celebrations like Boxing Day can rival more U.S.-centric specials (such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday) for nations like Australia as well as the UK, Australia, and Canada.

Make sure you tailor your Christmas season promotions in the context of geography so that you don't miss out on big opportunities in key areas.

What Do I Need to Do?

Global Payments: Localized languages, currencies and payment methods

Be aware that offering your product to more consumers isn't enough. It must be straightforward for consumers to make the decision to buy.

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Consumer Support Management: Contact us!

One of the other key duties is the managing the customer service. Our customers can reach us for assistance in resolving problems with the checkout process and tax systems, as well as calculating the billing and subscription fees, downloading as well as many other.

Katie Stephan

Katie Stephan Katie Stephan is the Senior Content Strategist at . Alongside her years of work experience and knowledge, she holds an MFA in creative nonfiction writing. She has also been part of the community in teaching college-level writing.

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