Create a Member Account that is customized Portal for Powerful FOMO Marketing

Feb 19, 2024

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The security features included in this Account Nav Tabs add-on puts the best benefits you have to present in front of the world and boosts the possibilities of your website's income-generating capabilities up to the highest level.


We've all seen what can happen.

You're preparing to take some rounds around the terminal after a a long, boring wait, when you notice the following notice"VIP Lounge - Platinum Passengers Only.

In the midst to this super-exclusive restaurant is a mystical paradise of sweet pleasures that burn your time. There are couches that have been stuffed with jolly-faced guests, as well as some Tchaikovsky on the background.

If you're on another side the coach and you ticket has to be made of worn out vinyl, dirty faces, as well as the sound of alarms coming emanating from loudspeakers as well as exhausted children for during the next forty-four hours..

Miserable traveler sitting and waiting out a layover

If you've been a frequent enough frequent flyer, this is likely to become the last time you'll be flying sans-Platinum.

Exclusivity is a huge seller!

Offering everything "more" so long that it's worthy of the amount has been working to earn, can be a great marketing plan for current as well aspotential customers and members. It's a real advantage to be exclusive.

and the strength of exclusiveness (what marketers are calling and the strength of exclusivity (what marketers refer to as) is exactly what Protection of Account Navigation Tabs is all about.

We'll demonstrate how you can use this function to change your account's nav for clients into an amazing Marketing tool for FOMO.

Additionally, we'll provide suggestions for revenue-generating tab contentto aid you in earning profits from these instruments.

First, a little context...

Account Nav Tabs Add-On Overview

Text reads " account navigation tabs".

can be described as the most popular software for recurring revenue that is available on WordPress. You can use it to build and manage subscriber-based products, online courses as well as other subscription-based services.

It also allows users to build and operate full-service online coaching programs in addition to take care of managing clients completely by using the 100% free of code interface.

What's the reason for this add-on?

The account page serves as a member's portal that is where your members and subscribers members will be able to log in. The account page is where members can access and change their personal information.

Since the start, there is an established set of navigation tabs, which includes those one would expect to see on a standard membership site. In addition, you are able to design custom tabs to the login page.

And you can house any kind of content in these tabs. Examples include...

  • Access to VIP Support
  • Resources that are accessible and can be downloaded such as ebooks and white papers.
  • Links to external resources that are outbound
  • ...and almost anything else

Make sure you create a VIP member/client area on your website using the secured account navigation tabs to create an additional

The famous Rules features included in the mix, the accounts' navigation tabs pages for each client can be an FOMO advertising tool of great power.

How to Change Your Client's Account Navigation into a Marketing tool

The Tab represents the Ad

You've reserve an hour each day for a weekday when your customers can access "walk-in" accessibility to the offerings and services, similar to a virtual version of your professor's office hours at your college.

Of course, providing this kind of service could result in a costly expenditure of time and it would be available only to Premium users.

Together with Account Nav Tabs Security you can use the tab where Premium subscribers have access working hours to develop a highly effective marketing campaign to encourage customers with lower plans to move on that next step.

Personalize the Member Portal based on Types of Membership

The add-on was the result of demands of our clients. It was also a bit more than an "a-ha!" moment for the team. It was discovered that some of our clients had multiple memberships.

Think about the airline instance I've given. There are members of the airline with various membership levels. It also has pilots. Many airlines offer a pilot and crew lounge specially designed for pilots and crew members.

A non-profit organisation could have donors to its members and staff volunteers. Through Account Nav Tabs in the form of an add-on, you can create and make a different user experience when you log into the account portal to each kind level of member.

In this case, a person who is logged into the account's website could be able to view the various tabs that pertain to their donor membership. These could contain information on membership history, benefits and donor histories and access to the donor community.

The volunteer could have completely separate accounts. The page could be a part of a training course of training for employees as well as volunteers, a schedule for volunteer work, and any other information that is not relevant for the people who donate to the.

Additional Revenue-Generating Strategies to help your account Nav Tabs Content

Special Member Resource Make a tab specifically for content with high value, like ebooks videos, exclusive information. These tabs should be secured based on membership levels, ensuring only premium members are able to access.

Customized Content for Coaching for websites which offer coaching services that are personalized or consulting options, the content is protected and adapted to the requirements of the individual user or group of users, allowing users to have a personalized experience, with content as well as tasks and feedback directly relevant to the coaching program they are running.

Event Registrations and Special Offers: Use an event tab to view special registrations and offers, then encrypt the tab so only members with certain levels, or who have been in Program for specific amount of time are able to view the upcoming events and special promotions.

Member-Only forums and Communities: If your site includes community boards or forums, a secured tab could allow members to access these sections and ensure that only members that have the proper membership levels have access to these interactive areas.

Advanced Training Modules: For educational sites tabs can be utilized to access advanced training courses or certification courses exclusively for those who fulfill specific criteria. The idea is to encourage your people to improve their abilities or become more involved by engaging with your content.

Beta Access to Features Provide your customers an possibility to test new products or features before they're released to the public. Make sure these tabs are secured to ensure only people who have been signed up as beta testers have access to the areas.

Information on Donations and financials for community and non-profit groups. A secured tab that will give financial data along with donation histories as well as exclusive news to donors or members with specific levels of contribution.

customized dashboards and analytics offer users an individual dashboard which displays their performance, analytics or usage statistics on your platform. Be sure that your tabs are protected to ensure members see data that pertains to only their specific activities and levels.

networking opportunities Make a tab for networking opportunities such as member directories or contacts lists that are accessible to members belonging to specific network groups or have a certain level.

Access to archived Content Tabs protected by this feature link to archived workshops, webinars and other old content that is accessible to those who have been part of the community for a long duration or have met some milestones in your community.

Account navigation tabs expand your membership options to your customers. We'll discuss ways to customize your portal for members depending on their nature of the membership.

Next Steps

Anything that rhapsodies should be considered a must - but particularly the FOMO marketing device that is worth the title. And specificallyas it relates to your online business the bottom line.

The next steps are easy, depending on your circumstance:

This new function offers an additional remark for our customers. The Account Navigation Tabs feature provides a range of brand new possibilities for customers and users. We'd like to learn how you can make use of this new feature.

We would love to hear your thoughts. What are your strategies for leveraging custom accounts on your site? Post a comment in the comments in the box below.

Curt Noble, the Growth Manager Curt is the Growth Manager at, and is responsible for the implementation of strategies to help online business owners and entrepreneurs. With a deep understanding of membership websites and LMS websites, his expertise are instrumental in helping many individuals and companies towards achieving their goals online. His latest blog on how to set up the GA4 for WordPress is a testament to his knowledge in this domain. Apart from his position as blogger, his vast professional experience also strengthens his standing as a professional in the realm of technology. Follow Curt via LinkedIn to stay informed of the most recent information. SEO Marketing WordPress LMS Entrepreneurship

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