ChatGPT for Youtube The 48 Prompts You Need To Increase Your Production

May 27, 2023

AI helps you develop your ideas and help you get past a blank page. It's a large list of ChatGPT guidelines for YouTubers. With thumbnails for midjourney!

Although ever more AI video-making software is emerging out of nowhere, there is nothing as great like the real thing. People who view YouTubers are drawn to them due to their personalities, their perspectives that is unique, their innate genius and it is impossible to expect a robot to replace the content of YouTube in the near future.

However, YouTubers can make use of these techniques to gain benefits with benefits that go beyond video creation. Here are the best ChatGPT strategies for YouTubers who want ways to improve their performance to build community and market their videos and business.

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The contextual context is crucial. Make these requests your own, making them your own to give AI an opportunity to unleash your own talent.

   Summary of high-level applications  

Here are a few simple suggestions to generate concepts for content creation as well as planning and marketing.

Utilization Case Prompt Example
Create a Hub and Spoke-based content strategy for topical SEO clusters

This is why it's necessary to utilize ChatGPT to think about and plan a "hub and spoke" concept of content that is, a major element of the information (the "hub") is going to be supported by relevant material (the "spokes"). This enhances search engine optimization of a website by creating a cluster of topics that revolve around a single key word.

You're an ingenuous strategist and experienced in SEO. On the basis of your preference, Digital Art Tutorials, create a hub and spoke plan to include content on the related subjects.
Planning and Conceptualization of Content

ChatGPT is a great tool to brainstorm ideas for video content as well as creating scripts and clustering of content. This allows YouTubers YouTuber to generate innovative ideas for content quickly and to simplify the process of writing scripts.

For inputs, Content theme: Audience, video, along with previous success topics for content.

"You have been appointed as a consultant on the subject of innovation for a [niche] YouTuber. Based on their intended audience of the target viewer as well as previous wildly popular themes of themes that have been successful previously Please come up with three original videos and submit the brief scripts for each of them . "
Video Promotion

ChatGPT produces captivating promotional material for videos. It includes postings on Facebook, emails or descriptions of videos. The YouTuber can get more people to view the video.

Inputs Theme of the video, important aspects, and target device.

"You are a professional in marketing who is helping to advertise a distinctive YouTube video. The main characteristics of the channel are [key points]. Make a compelling article for your target platform] to draw viewers. . "
Channel Growth

ChatGPT will provide suggestions for growing and expanding the YouTube channel. ChatGPT can assist in identifying possibilities for collaboration, and also suggest improvements. It helps YouTubers gain more subscribers.

Inputs: Theme of the channel. The themes of the channel, number of subscribers at present, and channel goals.

You're an YouTube growth strategist with a [niche] channel. The channel has current subscribers and has a goal of channel goals [channel goals]. We would like your input about three strategies to meet the desired goal.
Reacting to comments

ChatGPT helps respond to comments and posting, thus increasing engagement with the community. It helps YouTubers remain in contact with their audience.

Inputs: Comments or posts, commenter's name, and video subject.

You are a community manager on the YouTube channel. You must respond to the comment from [commenter's name] about what follows: "[post or comment content[post or comment content]'.
Business Plan Creation

ChatGPT can create an elaborate business plan to YouTube channels. The strategy outlines the viewers and the marketing strategy as well as branding and marketing strategies.

As a business planner develop a comprehensive business strategy to run my YouTube channel YouTube. The channel is devoted to travel-related vlogging. The channel is targeted at young people, and in particular, budget books and travel guides]. ].
Revenue Expansion Strategy

ChatGPT could suggest ways to help YouTubers in order to increase the revenue they earn according to their specific niche and audience.

Provide different strategies for increasing revenue to my travel-vlogging YouTube channel aimed at millennials(millennials). Consider selling items such as digital items, online classes or obtaining sponsorships, as well as other opportunities for earning income.
The Promoting Strategy of a video

ChatGPT is a great tool for the design of a marketing strategy for the YouTube video. It is a great way to promote your video via social media platforms SEO optimization, partnerships with companies from other industries as well as many other things.

Create a marketing strategy for my upcoming YouTube video"Top 10 Destinations for Budget Travel for the Millennial Generation'. The plan should incorporate promotion on [Instagram, Facebook, and travel forumsSEO optimization techniques and possible collaboration opportunities.
Marketing Strategy for a Video series

ChatGPT can be used as a promotion strategy suited to a particular format that is created to keep viewers engaged through the entire series.

Design a promotional strategy for my forthcoming YouTube series on 'Budget travel guide that cover Major Cities Around the World']. The plan should incorporate ways to keep viewers' interest throughout the series possible partnerships and methods to connect with the viewers on [Instagram), Facebook, and travel forums. ].

   YouTube plan of action for YouTube and plan  

Everyone who uses YouTube knows there's more involved in making a channel successful than simply uploading video. YouTube channel management involves an effective plan of action and a strong execution. It involves understanding your intended viewers, setting a regular publishing schedule and enhancing your content so that it can attract a larger number of viewers. All that ChatGPT can help with.

   Analysis of Auditorship  

A deep understanding of your target audience is essential for creating content that connects with the people they are. ChatGPT can help you understand your audience's preferences and propose a suitable method of communication which meets the requirements and desires of your target audience.

Example prompt:

"As an expert in the field audience analysis I would like to suggest a approach for an YouTube channel that targets young professionalswho are interested in personal financial and investment]. Discover their interests, preferences, and areas of interest ."

   Content schedule planning  

It is essential to be consistent in your postings for success on YouTube. Furthermore, ChatGPT can ChatGPT help you be regular by establishing the content calendar. However, it can also pull information about the most popular times and days to publish for the most engagement.

Example prompt:  "You have achieved mastery of YouTube strategies for creating content. Create a three-month content calendar for a personal financial[personal finance] YouTube channel. The best dates and times for post-production to maximize participation ."

   Channel growth strategy  

A lot of YouTube creators are faced with challenges in channel growth. Apart from creating amazing content, the best way to expand a YouTube channel, it is an ongoing method. It may involve collaborations with other creators, strategies for promotion engaging strategies, and more.

   Example prompt:  

"You are a YouTube grow strategist. You can suggest a 6-month growth plan for your personal financialYouTube channel, with an emphasis on collaborative possibilities along with ways to attract viewers and also strategies for promoting. ."

   Strategie for Monetization  

A monetization strategy for a YouTube channel can seem like the final step on the way for creators. However, it can be a difficult topic to navigate as there are a variety of possibilities for monetization available, including ad revenue as well as sponsorships and products among other options. What better way to get help than ChatGPT to help you?

   Example prompt:  

"You are an expert in YouTube monetization. Provide a strategy to monetize the YouTube channel, which falls within the [personal finance] segment with 50,000 users considering the possibility of sponsorships, ad revenue as well as other revenue streams that may ."

   Making a business plan for YouTubers. YouTuber

If you're considering turning YouTube content creation into a commercial venture, you'll require a business plan. The business plan must outline the target market for the channel, and also a strategy for content creation, along with ways to monetize your content, as well as marketing strategies to the most. ChatGPT has the ability to develop a thorough business plan based on the inputs you provide, providing you an excellent base from which you will be able to construct.

Example prompt:

"As a business strategist with experience, I develop a solid business strategy for my channel's operation on YouTube. It's geared toward vlogging on travel and specifically focusing on millennials, with the focus on budget guidebooks as well as travel guides and tips for destinations. Determine the target audience you wish to target and the plan for your content, branding advertising, and monetization strategies ."

   Revenue expansion for a YouTuber  

There were a handful of possibilities for monetization above however this is only the tip the of the iceberg. Beyond sponsorships and advertisements, there's online courses along with consulting, as well as other. Diversifying your revenue source is a great strategy to any creative, so why not tap ChatGPT to recommend a few alternative options.

Example prompt:

"Suggest different revenue expansion strategies for my travel vlogging YouTube channel aimed at younger individuals. You can suggest ways to make money selling merchandise, digital products, online classes, and gaining sponsorships and other potential revenue sources ."

   Conceptualization Creation, production and development  

For YouTubers the creation of videos is usually the most enjoyable aspect. It is not as enjoyable coming up with ideas for the videos to create, transforming the scripts into scripts, creating adjustments to the videos, and finally, publishing these videos. It's a big job!

The goal of every YouTuber is to create engaging, appealing and informative videos that have a great reception with viewers. The goal is to get viewers to join, follow to, comment on, or like and even share the video. AI tools are able to support the work of others so you are able to be more focused on creating content.

   Video idea generation  

ChatGPT is able to create an almost infinite number of ideas for video based on whatever theme or topic you request. The ability to access that ability to create your own ideas is truly amazing.

   Example prompt:  

"You are a design consultant with a focus on concepttion for [travel video vlogging]. Make [15] fresh videos that will appeal to [globetrotters and travel enthusiasts ]."

   The scripting of video  

ChatGPT will create an excellent initial script for your subject, allowing you to build from a solid foundation instead of starting with blank sheets. You'll be amazed by how well the application is able to capture your story's essence and produce an outline which flows.

   Example prompts:  

  • "Your job is to create an outline for a video titled '[Japan The Top 10 must-see destinations[Japan: Top 10 Must-Visit destinations". The video script must contain compelling introductions, an in-depth descriptions of each destination as well as a concluding paragraph which encourages viewers to "like, follow, and subscribe to [like, subscribe, and share."
  • "Write a detailed outline for the YouTube video that is titled "[Top 10 Destinations to Travel Budget for college students". Include an introduction, review of each location along with a final message encouraging viewers to share and like the video."
  • "Write an elaborate script for a [5] minute YouTube video called "Top 10 Budget Travel Destinations for College Students" The video will include an introduction, discussion about each destination in the final segment, along with an appeal to viewers to"like and follow."
  • "Develop an intriguing storyline for an introductory video of two minutes with particular attention to the subject. You must ensure that the video is appealing and appropriate for an audience of all kinds ."
  • "Help me draft a story for a video of [length] minutes about [topic]. The script should be thorough look at the subject and also keep viewers engaged ."
  • "Create an instructional step-by-step template to create a video tutorial that focuses on [topic]. The written script must be straightforward to read and informative ."
  • "Formulate the entire script in order to make a tutorial video covering specific topics. Be sure every step is concise and clear ."
  • "Write an honest and comprehensive script for a review video about the topic of [product or service[product or service]. The script should include the most important factors, pros and cons, as well as your personal experience, if possible to ."
  • "Generate an essay covering the subject of your choice in a captivating and instructive way. The piece should attract those novices to the topic as well as experienced viewers. ."
  • "Compose the script for a video that provides useful and creative tips on particular subject matter."
  • "Script a reaction video to [specific event/video/content]. The video should include first impressions, emotions and a thoughtful comment ."
  • "Craft a humorous and engaging script for a parody video about [specific subject/person/event]. The tone should be lighthearted and respectable ."
  • "Conceive an entertaining storyline for a short video on [specific topic]. It must captivate viewers right through the entire process. ."
  • "Form the script of the video to present practical and effective strategies and methods to tackle a particular topic or project. The subject, or the job. It should be easy to follow and useful ."
  • "Develop an appealing introductory message to my YouTube channel which focuses on this topic. The introduction should entice viewers, and provide a brief overview of what's to come ."
  • "Create an interesting and comprehensive intro text for my YouTube channel on the subject. The script should highlight the key elements and include an appealing call-to action. The following are the major subjects we have discussed. Key Topic 1, Key Topic 2 Key Topic 3 3 ]"

   YouTube Storyboard Creation  

ChatGPT allows you to create your complete storyboard for the YouTube video you're making. An organized storyboard will ensure that your video is cohesive as well as engaging and fulfills its intended purpose.

inputs are: Video purpose, target audience length, the video's duration, important messages, and audio and visual components.

Example prompt:

"You assist me in making an outline for my forthcoming YouTube video. The aim is to get my target audience, which is [target audience]. The video should be approximately length, and must convey the following key messages that are important to the viewer. Include the following audio and graphic elements on the storyboard [audio and visual elements ]."

   Video production planning  

The process of planning the making of an audiovisual piece involves making decisions about locations, camera angles lights, props, and much more. Are you worried about missing something? ChatGPT offers a complete production plan so you can make sure you've checked the work you've done.

Example prompt:

"Create a plan of production to make a short video entitled "[DIY House Decor ideas]". It will include suggestions for settings, camera angles lighting, and props."

   Guidelines for editing videos  

Editing is perhaps the most crucial component of every video. It's usually the longest-running component of being a YouTuber. If you're not into editing, or you're looking to increase your knowledge, ChatGPT can act as an instructional tool.

Example prompt:

"Provide guidelines and recommendations for editing an "cooking" tutorial video in order to ensure the video looks appealing, and easy to follow by the viewers."

   Descriptions of titles, videos and thumbnails  

ChatGPT offers engaging and SEO-friendly titles, and offer guidelines on how to create efficient thumbnails that are relevant to the topic you are discussing.

Example prompt sequence:

You can try these two activities in succession.

1. Title and Description along with particular points "Your obligation is to create the most appealing, SEO-friendly title and description for a video that focuses on travel tips for budget travelers. Please utilize the key aspects and goals for learning from the video: The key points and objectives for learning ]"
2. Guidelines for thumbnails and titles "Next provide guidelines on how to create a compelling thumbnail to accompany the YouTube video on budget guidelines for travel. Provide no general guidelines. Provide specific suggestions for thumbnails in line with your video. . "

   Midjourney prompt templates  

If you'd like to make your thumbnail further, you might consider the use of ChatGPT along with Midjourney as a pair to produce your thumbnail.

  1. Determine the Theme: Define your theme or the primary topic of your video. Ie. For a gaming video this could have the title "Minecraft Survival Mode" ".
  2. Choose the Style: Pick one that is in line with the look of your company or brand. You can opt for an artist's style, a genre or even a lighting feature. With the help of the Minecraft illustration, you may choose a "pixel art" style to match the visuals and aesthetics of the game.
  3. Design Your Thumbnail prompt needs to be clear and capture the essence of your video. Consider your scene, or the moment you want to record. Keywords are used to identify aspect ratio, resolution as well as particulars.
  4. Include Extras If you want to increase the abstraction, add the 'chaos' option. To style the output, select the option to stylize.
  5. Removing Unwanted Elements There's something that you don't want to show in your picture, select the "-no" option to remove the item. Like. If we don't want creepers to be visible on Minecraft's thumbnail Minecraft thumbnail, we could include  the '-no creeper'

Here is the ChatGPT Template that you can use to create a precise midjourney-related prompt. In the form of an AI, I want you to create an midjourney-related prompt to create an image for a YouTube thumbnail. The video is about the DIY DIY tutorial for making furniture.
  The look of the video is"rustic and cozy.
  The most important elements to be included in the thumbnails is the completed wooden furniture piece, woodworking tools, and a cozy workshop environment.
  and I'd like to exclude the modern and metallic components.
  I'd like to achieve an esthetic range of 700.
  The aspect ratio should be at least 16:9.
  In this way, the Midjourney prompt produced could be similar to this:
  Imagine a finished piece of furniture that is built from woodworking tools within the warm and natural atmosphere of the workshop. -s 700 - ar 16:9 -no contemporary -no metal

For you to get a sense of what's possible for you, here are some other examples of YouTube's Thumbnail images prompts using Midjourney.

to prepare a Video /imagine delicious homemade lasagna bubbling in a rustic kitchen -s 800 -ar 16:9 -no fork
To create a Travel Vlog Imagine the amazing panorama of the sun setting from the top of the Eiffel tower Paris travelling fashion. - ar 16:9 -no crowd
For a Tech Review Video /imagine new iPhone 14 hovering over a stylish modern desk style -s 900 -ar 16:9 -no clutter
To learn about fitness Imagine a woman who is healthy in an exercise routine in a serene beach setting. -s 750. -ar 16:9 -no onlookers
For a DIY Craft Video imagine a handmade birdhouse painted with bright shades against spring's backdrop with no tools

   Marketing and collaboration  

There are a bunch of possibilities YouTubers are able to use to market their channels. One of which is working with other creators to increase their audience.

   Collaboration proposal  

ChatGPT helps YouTubers to establish and maintain agreements with other creators through crafting compelling collaboration proposals. collaborations between other YouTubers could expose you to a wider public that is more accepting of your content because of the trust they have already built in each other as YouTubers.

   Example prompts:  

"Draft an idea for a collaboration with the travel YouTuber [insert YouTuber's name here], which we will create brief videos on budget travel tips to students."

   The creation of the marketing plan for the creation of a YouTube video  

Promoting a YouTube video efficiently needs a strategic plan. ChatGPT can help you create a a promotional strategy that includes social media promotion including SEO optimization, collaborations, and other channels for marketing.

   Example prompt:  

"Devise an advertising plan for my YouTube channel titled"Top 10 Top Travel Destinations" with a Small Budget" for the millennial generation. '']. This strategy must include promotions via Instagram, Facebook, and search engines for travel along with collaboration options ."

   The creation of a marketing plan to promote the creation of a YouTube video-based series  

Promotion of one video is one thing; promotion for a series takes an entirely distinct approach. The final purpose of a show will be to make people want to go back for the next episode. The challenge is to keep the viewer's curiosity over the course of time. It's an excellent thing to this: ChatGPT will also recommend the best strategy for promotion to work with a show format.

   Example prompt:  

"Design a marketing strategy for my upcoming YouTube series on ['Budget-friendly Travel Guides for the Major Cities of the World'('Budget Travel Guides'). The strategy should include ways to attract and sustain viewers engaged throughout the whole series, potential collaborations, as well as ideas to engage with viewers via Instagram, Facebook, and travel forums."

   SEO Optimization  

Optimizing video content for both YouTube search and Google search is a fantastic method to boost the exposure of your content. ChatGPT gives SEO tips that include suggestions for keyword usage and optimization of metadata, which can increase the number of people to watch your videos.

Example prompt:

"You represent an SEO expert. Provide an SEO strategy for a YouTube video called '[Investing for beginners]'. This includes keywords recommendations of 3 to 5 and suggestions for improving your title as well as tags and descriptions ."


   Estimating Monetization Potential  

ChatGPT can help you estimate your earnings potential from different ways to monetize. Knowing the nature of your income streams allows you to make educated decisions about channel growth and strategies.

Inputs: Average views per video, subscriber count as well as demographics of the audience and engagement rates.

Example prompt:

Based on my YouTube channel's median views per video, which is the average views of views], a subscriber count of [subscriber countsThe characteristics of the audience of [audience]'s demographics] and an engagement rate of [engagement percentage] you can calculate my earnings potential through sponsorships, ads and subscribing on my channel. I invite you to suggest additional revenue sources for my channel, as well the potential earnings. Include at minimum two tables and several subheadings.

   Contact to Sponsors with the possibility of  

ChatGPT aids in the design of an engaging outreach for prospective sponsors. An appropriately-constructed and personalized pitch will increase the chances of securing brands to partner with you.

Inputs: Details about the brand, your channel details and demographics of your audience and the reason for why viewers are a great match to your company.

Example prompt:

"You help me write an outreach email to the [Brand NameBrand Name. My YouTube channel is focused on [your channel information] and my intended audience is predominantly my demographic followers. Discuss why collaboration on my channel could benefit the brand's image and match the people they'd like to target. Below is some details about the products they offer, as well as their target audience What they sell, and who their clients arewho they sell to, and what their customers are.

   Developing a Plan for Marketing Channel Merchandise  

ChatGPT aids you in creating an efficient plan for marketing items to your target audience. This provides another revenue source to increase your revenue.

Inputs: Information regarding your target audience, the kind of product to sell prices, as well as the strategy for promotion.

Example prompt:

"You have helped me to develop an idea for marketing products for my channel on YouTube. My intended audience is based on [audience information] and I'm thinking of selling [type of merchandise] with a cost of (price points). Please provide a detailed plan that includes how to market your product to the best advantage of my target market. Also, suggest any other products which I could offer to my clients. ."

   Community engagement  

Do you want to keep viewers coming back? It is essential to interact with them. React to feedback, reply to comments from viewers and connect with your followers to develop loyalty and help the growth of your channel.

   Response to remarks  

Are you struggling to create responses that aren't monotonous? ChatGPT is able to create friendly and interesting reactions to feedback from viewers, increasing interaction.

Example prompt:

"Generate a warm and engaging reply to an individual who has read"[I love your travel videos! Do you have the chance to create a short video about budget travel tips? ]'"

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