Challenge Exams in

Dec 23, 2022

In this blog, we'll be exploring the specifics of what a "challenge" exam is, how they're used to assess students, and what's on store for the future of learning paths within .

     What exactly is a challenge exam?

Our challenge exams work in that we give learners an exam that you've designed in accordance with your course's prerequisites and completion requirements. The test is a one-time take where they must correctly answer every question to advance to the next level course.

     How Challenge Exams Can Be Used    

For the most part challenges are designed similar to regular tests. Only difference is that there is no Gutenburg block that exists specifically to be used for challenges apart from the test page.

After you've created your test challenge, your learner will have only one chance to pass this test. The test is not a second chance for your learners in the first phase of implementing tests that are a challenge . All answers must be accurate or else the student will be required to go on and finish the entire course.

Challenge exams are positioned at the beginning of a class and when a learner successfully completes a challenge exam then they'll get an official certificate, if associated with the class.

In the profile of the student the learner's profile, every lesson, topic or exam that's contained in the course will also be marked completed like if the learner completed all of the course. You can also customize the messaging choices. If your student is able to pass or fail the test you'll receive an appropriate message.

     the future of learning Paths in    

Challenge exams make up the majority of what we consider as learning routes which are a means of sending users to specific areas of your course depending on their skills and knowledge level.

As we move forward with the challenge exams, we're adding the capability to add challenge exams in different areas of the course so it's not just a matter of making them available only in the first lesson. Furthermore, you'll be able make use of them in order to finish and redirect to different classes within the same class.

Have you tried the latest Challenge Exam feature in the past? What do you think of the feature?