Following a series of quarterly periods filled with anxiety and negative mood, the third quarter of Q3 is an important milestone in the prospects for the future of the economics of membership.
Membership markets are having one of the most difficult times in recent years. The rate of inflation is increasing, increased uncertainty and a more prudent consumer are dominating developments in 2022. The repercussions of these changes as well as the extreme volatility of the market for financial instruments are affecting the entire economy.
The membership market isn't any different. And while 2022 revenue projections created during the membership boom in 2021 started to seem out of reach for the year before, members were forced to look deeper than ever before into every element of their overall plan.
Simply put, for those who are a membership administrator, 2022 will will relentlessly test your belief repeatedly.
Every story that has come up to now leaves you believing that 2022 will have a major negative impact on members, and that we must be ready for a recession across all consumer sectors, every market and every enterprise.
But not so quick.
In search of the perfect moment
In difficult economic and business environments, We always seek for signs, signals and signs that indicate a pivot point imminent or near. Although we rarely realize a turn has occurred until months , or even weeks later after an event has occurred however, one thing is always the case with pivot points. It's an incident..
Q3 was precisely the time.
The moment came when members' managers saw extremely positive results despite a negativity. This was the time that the silence was stronger than any disorientation. This was the time that customers were able to prove that their product was so valuable that their customers could simply not survive without it.
It was the moment in conflict.
The most significant risk facing those who operate in the midst of recessions and economic turmoil is when they become too negative. customers who have remained positive and steadfast in their business through this difficult year have been able to continue to develop the plans and strategies to this event, without knowing when it would take place. As Q3 comes to a close, complete, we're able to look into the rearview mirror, and see with certainty that this will be occurring.
Uncertainty opens up opportunities
The customer's memberships performed significantly higher than our own during the third quarter. In our range of offerings we've observed this membership break records in their revenue, retention rates as well as the members. Maintaining the same course of action and staying not influenced by other narratives has allowed our members reap the benefits of the increase in membership numbers we observed in the third quarter of the year.
Sound management of overall membership strategy proves to be the main driver behind membership results in difficult situations. We see the best payoffs being made by those who decide to make a big investment in their businesses during times of recession but then switch to more cautious expenditure when the growth rate is increasing. Our approach has helped our clients to have funds on-hand to invest into their companies at times of opportunity such as that we saw at the first quarter of 2022.
It's a long-term game and those who have this view are aware that the external environment and negative attitudes create long-term opportunities for sustainable growth in members.
A company operating members, you can't predict the exact timing of upswings and downswings like as those we witnessed in Q3, however, you can predict them.
The one thing that you can be sure of is that these instances will occur at times you are least likely to believe it to be.
Continue to build.
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