Black Friday and Cyber Monday The Ultimate Guide for selling digital Products in 2022 -

Nov 18, 2022

Numerous online firms, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the two most busy days of the year and provide numerous chances to earn higher sales revenue over the course months. It can, however, be one of the most difficult shopping seasons to anticipate.

Below is a brief outline of the topics we'll be covering Today:

What is Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Black Friday, which occurs the day following Thanksgiving in the US does not announce officially the start of the sales season for Christmas. Cyber Monday falls on the next Monday following Thanksgiving here in the US. The day between Black Friday and Cyber Monday across the globe shoppers are looking forward to huge discounts and deals at their preferred businesses since they get ready to buy!

The recent trend of internet-related computer usage has increased dramatically during the time of Cyber Mondays in the United States, reaching nearly $6 billion by 2020. This figure represents an increase of almost 30% from the year preceding. For the year 2020, Black Friday desktop spending was about $4.3 billion and Thanksgiving spend totaled around $2.7 billion.

In this year's calendar, Black Friday will be on the 25th of November in 2022 and Cyber Monday is set to occur on the 28th of November, 2022..

When we've got all that crucial data out of the way It's now time to set up your store online for the most popular season of shopping throughout the year. If you're feeling overwhelmed, don't worry! Here are the most important (free) strategies and techniques to try in order to increase the popularity of your digital items on Black Friday and Cyber Monday this year.

10 Cyber Monday and Black Friday Tips for Marketing to try for 2022

1. The offer is only available during a specific duration.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the only occasions when you are able to provide massive discounts to your product prices without losing your branding. The most popular promotions that are limited in time offered by online retailers include:

  • Coupon codes can offer specific percentage discount on customers' purchases. It is also possible to offer coupons that are exclusive to the most loyal customers to your company for their dedication to your business, as well as in order to boost brand loyalty
  • A free gift when you purchase. Also, it creates a sense of belonging, which helps your customers come back to your company. Make sure that you're giving the customers what they want i.e. complimentary products that complement what they're looking to purchase.

Additionally  to that, the bonus gift may be uploaded along with your main digital product so that buyers receive them all immediately after making a purchase.

2. Launch Limited Edition Products

The process of making limited-edition products usually means putting the opportunity to reinvent your favorite products. If, for instance, you're selling wall art digital, then you may release a limited edition personalized wall art where your customers are able to write their name or their loved ones' names.

This allows an opportunity to experiment in the realm of new items, and , should it go well, you could be able create products with a unique design which are the most popular by engaging in this type of activity. Releases of limited-edition products draw attention to your online business and to your name. This increased visibility can lead to increased customers and sales for your existing offerings and new products.

3. Cross-sell Complementary Products

Cross-selling is the idea providing your customers with a product(s) that complement their previous purchase. It's a fantastic way to increase the number of purchase of both your clients who are returning and/or new to your shop. They might otherwise be forced to take off the store with certain items just because they did not get the chance to look at different products that they could enjoy.

Imagine that you had a client who bought an ebook titled "Beginner Vegan Stage Recipes". You can suggest that they read"Advanced vegan recipes for level 1, "Advanced recipe using vegan ingredients for level 1" and give them a discounted price when they buy both of them simultaneously. Utilize catchy phrases such as "You might also enjoy this" as well as "Others have bought" to attract your customers.

It is possible to make cross-selling promotions in under an hour using the cross-selling tool.

4. Bundle Multiple Products

If you want to take an innovative method to do this it, consider offering the product in a limited-time item listing in order to instill a sense of FOMO (Fear of Not Being Able to get it) for your customers and make them feel pressured to buy the item prior to the time when the deal expires.


Join the more than 130,000 sellers who have built their online business using

5. Start an Affiliate Marketing Program

Affiliate Marketing is a method where affiliate partners can receive an amount of money for the sale of their products on your website. For every successful sales that affiliates deliver to your business You'll pay your affiliates with a share of your each month's commission.

The option of selling your product through affiliates is a great option to boost sales and promotion initiatives by allowing your affiliate network to help promote your products on your behalf. Black Friday and Cyber Monday is a great opportunity to collaborate with writers, bloggers, along with other well-known individuals to promote your products and make money with them in the form of the affiliate commission. You can even offer the chance of receiving a greater percentage of commissions during the most-popular period of shopping , to encourage those who promote your brand to a greater extent.

You are able to easily set up an affiliate program to promote your online store by using this step-by step guide.

6. Establish a Referral System

In contrast to affiliate marketing, a referral program is a different kind of marketing that does don't require the distribution of commissions. Referral Systems is also referred to as word-of-mouth marketing . It is a marketing strategy that encourages your customers to recommend the products they purchase to Facebook or other social media. In return for a successful sale, both the client and the person who referred them will be rewarded with coupons towards purchases.

This is an extremely effective method of marketing because people have their family and friends receiving advice from their networks of trust this makes it more likely you'll succeed in making numerous sales with your store online.

It's easy to establish the process of referrals to your store online using this article.

7. Run a Giveaway

Giving away prizes on your social media channels is an excellent way to encourage real involvement by your target audience. You can offer the opportunity to win prizes to those who have completed some specific goals e.g. reviewing your profiles on social media or sharing content on the social media channels, etc. It is an excellent strategy to build your social media following while delighting your existing as well as new customers.

8. Pre-sales for launch are now open, or you can purchase products now.

Pre-orders or pre-sales are the purchase of the product which hasn't been launched. Pre-orders or products to be pre-ordered during BlackFriday allow you to determine the level of interest that buyers have for the upcoming items. Pre-orders also offer your customers a reason to be happy to come back to your online store and can generate revenue for other items as well.

Read this tutorial on how you can set up the possibility of pre-orders for your online retailer.

9. Promotional Upgrade Discount

Remember that the shopping season isn't going to come to an end until Cyber Monday or Black Friday. stop with Black Friday nor Cyber Monday. The Christmas season is one of the largest shopping periods in the entire year. Giving customers discounts for upgrades is a great method to motivate them to return to your shop in the future to purchase additional items at a reduced cost.

Read this guide for how to use upgrade discounts and how to configure it.

10. Social Discount Offer

There is a consensus that the most effective methods for attracting customers to share your goods with their networks on social media is to offer them some kind of incentive, for instance through a social discount. 's social discount function allows you to provide customers with a discounted rate for their purchases simply through posting your product's details on Facebook or other social media sites. This is a great method of tapping into customers' networks that might possibly become future customers. It also increases your brand's exposure.

 8 Tips for Preparing to be ready to be ready for Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2022

You can determine whether the popularity of specific items is going up or down throughout the holidays using Google Trends. Be sure to tweak Google Trends' settings for the various countries as well as the time periods. As an example, if you search for "personalized present" on Google Trends, you'll see the popularity of this item tends to peak around the holiday season. This is a great option to incorporate into your shop if you make things like personalized digital art.

2. Optimize your Product Page's conversion to buy as well as SEO

Online store sales do not occur by chance. Be aware that customers must undergo a complex decision-making before deciding to buy your products. Making your pages more user-friendly will enable the user to be guided by you to make the right choices and ensure that you've converted most of your site's visitors to paying customers.

Here are some suggestions to improve the speed at which your website's visitors are converted to your product:

Install a countdown clock.

Making use of timers to increase the urgency of your online store visitors will encourage customers to buy now instead of going to "think about buying in the near in the near future". A lot of customers delay their purchases. Though you should not bribe your customers, or make the customers into angry ones We would prefer them to be able to make the right choice. This is where timers can help!

Enable Payment Buttons

Payment buttons provide a sense of trust in the transaction and increase the conversion rate of your sales. On , you can enable payments buttons by navigating to the store builder, the footer and the Pay icon.

76% of customers want safe payments as well as simplicity when shopping via the internet. It is crucial to stop this loop for those clients who are concerned with security risks when purchasing online.

Customer Reviews in Showcase

   88 98 98% of customers are influenced by online reviews just as than personal recommendation.

As your clients can't touch the product in their hands and see them with their eyes, they'll need to rely on online reviews from users who provide evidence of social connection. Reviewing other customer's product reviews can be a factor when buying. Instead of making them leave your store's website to search for reviews in different stores, be sure to make reviews are available on the website of your store more so.

This document is an overview of how to configure reviews from customers to display in HTML0. This feature allows customers to review their experience. It also comes with a review approval system and automated post-purchase reviews to facilitate the collection of reviews.

Enhance Copywriting Copywriting in Product Description

Words are a powerful tool in the process of making your website more attractive to buyers. In order to encourage visitors on your site to purchase your product, consider optimizing your product description to remind them about the benefits of the products you offer.

Make sure that the text you put on the product pages of your site can also aid in SEO improvement efforts. The pages that you create for your items to be ranked higher on Google result pages. This brings more customers to your website's product pages and the overall presence of your business online. Instruments like Ahrefs Keyword Explorer to find keywords that you should make use of to help your product get more exposure on Google Search.

Here's a quick guide on how to further enhance your SEO on your site in the Christmas season.

Converting visitors to paying customers takes a thorough study of your customer's experience. Just throwing a few random products in front of your potential customers isn't the way to go!

Make a holiday-themed assortment of items that customers are likely to be looking for between Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Additionally, think about making a collection that is specifically designed to sell products.

The following is a brief tutorial for creating collections of your products with.

4. Make your website mobile-friendly by optimizing it for Ecommerce

Based on Statista, 72.9 percent of all eCommerce sales will be made through mobile-based commerce, up from 58.9 percent in the 2017.

It is a must to be sure that the store you have created must be built to be suitable to customers that are planning to make purchases using their mobile devices. Make sure that all the important details on your items are displayed in mobile view as well as any additional irrelevant information should be collapsed under an FAQ area.

Store Builder allows you to toggle between mobile and desktop perspectives so that you can ensure that your website's performance is optimal to work with both views.

5. Make Your Checkout More Efficacious

Unorganized checkout procedures will result in a lower sale conversion, as it creates an unnecessary obstacle between clients and the products they purchase. Do not let the customers' patience be shattered by a grumpy customer experience during the check-out.

The checkout experience for's is already optimized for digital products since it doesn't ask for irrelevant information like physical address.

Review your shop's check-out process for customers and determine if there's something that could be improved. If you've used coupons, be sure that you check the check-out process to make sure that you've entered your coupon code in a correctly.

Make sure you've provided the best choices for payment to your clients. In the meantime you'll be able connect to both PayPal as well as Stripe and PayPal offers the widest range of payment options is possible to your customers.

6. Get Your Customer Service Ready

The process of bringing your customer service up to par will require planning for the expected inquiries from clients. It is possible to create an FAQ section on your site to answer your client's most frequently asked questions, and also to reduce the amount of ticket requests for assistance.

Make sure you have the bandwidth to deal to the needs of your customers because poor customer service is the basis for online negative feedback. Create saved replies for your most frequently asked questions in order to reduce the amount of time needed to respond to support requests.

A positive customer experience is crucial to build trust with your company's online presence and your customers.

7. Help spread the word! Promote, Promote, Promote!

Make sure that your incredible discounts on online shops don't say so. This is the perfect opportunity to make a big splash with your Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals and spread your message across using all feasible means, not just:

  • Newsletters sent via email. Your clients will search through their inboxes of emails looking for great offers from the stores they like on their favorite websites. Consider segmenting your email list and sending out more relevant content to your clients and negotiating discounts that are specifically targeted to those who are relevant. Keep in mind that Black Friday and Cyber Monday are about deals that have a time limit. Make sure that your emails convey an urgency.
  • Social media. The social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook can be excellent ways to communicate about the Black Friday and Cyber Monday strategies to your clients (through organic posts or advertisements that is paid for).
  • Blog. You can create guides to gift ideas for your customers, thereby preventing the time of coming up with creative ideas on what for gifts to their relatives.

8. Make sure you are ready to be ready for The Next Biggest Thing ....Christmas!

Once you've increased your online sales for your shop through Black Friday and Cyber Monday now is the moment to start thinking about the next big celebration... The Christmas holiday! Rather than thinking about nailing single-time purchases on Black Friday, think about how you can turn the customers who are only once a year into lifetime customers.

It is possible to use the methods of marketing we've covered in the last article to help promote the Christmas season. Additionally, it's advised to keep in touch with your customers by posting an email immediately about your Christmas-related promotions in the near future, and giving a survey to customers to make sure you're taking your feedback and suggestions regarding what you can make to improve the Christmas shopping experience with you further.

 Top Digital Product Idea in Black Friday


Sales of ebooks topped 1.1 billion in 2020. This is which is an increase of 11.86 percent from 983.3 million in 2019. Adult novels account 41% of sales for ebooks up to 2021.

The sale of ebooks lets you sell your work to the public without having to go through the painstaking procedure of publishing books in paperbacks. Readers can buy ebooks from the internet and immediately access them using their gadgets that operate using electronic technology.


A recent study suggests that it was found that nearly 20% of Americans use audiobooks.

The margin of profit for audiobooks is very high because the cost for changing books into audiobooks. This is a small amount. Most book-lovers are not interested in reading. Therefore, audiobooks let users to connect with and entertain people from different backgrounds. There are more and more people who suffer from dyslexia, visually impaired or simply want to purchase audiobooks. Also, adding audiobooks can increase the number of books purchased.

Customized Digital Art

Christmas is close to the mark right after Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Personalized presents are among the most popular Christmas presents to family and friends. If you type "personalized present" on Google"Trends" it is evident that it is popular all through the Christmas season.

Digitally designed artwork can be customized by clients to create memorable presents. Furthermore, this can be a long-lasting present as it does not require packaging.

Online Course

Combining it with a complimentary digital download offer (e.g. Free ebooks, free workbooks or printables at no cost such as) could make it extremely attractive to buyers to buy the online course bundle.

HTML0 Ready to go Black Friday as well as Cyber Monday

Does your store's online site have the right preparations to take advantage of the biggest shopping day of the season? If you prepare your online store to be ready, you will dramatically increase the amount of money you make in the holiday time.

If you manage your cards right, your holiday sales revenue may be higher than you could have imagined. Let us know via the comments section in the section below if you have any concerns.

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