B2B Selling Trends & best practices for those looking to start or expand their Business

Apr 4, 2023

B2B (B2B) selling has changed. Complex sales procedures between sales representatives and buyers which often involved dinners or drinks, golf as well as a lot of exchanges between them have become more and less popular each day.

Actually, a lot of buyers now want to act independently as well. nearly 44% of millennials prefer having zero interaction or interaction with any sales representative in any way.

Digital, self-serve, and data-driven selling solutions have become more effective and sales teams will have to drastically alter their methods in the coming years in order to be competitive.

Below, we'll examine:

Ready to learn all you can about selling B2B in 2023? We'll dive right in.

What is B2B selling?

B2B sales refers to the act of buying and selling goods or services to other companies. This is an enormous market accounting for more than fifty cents for every dollar that is spent in the U.S. economy.

This can cover anything from raw materials to finished items. B2B selling can be divided into three primary types: direct sales indirect sales, and sales online/digital.

  • Direct sales refers to a sales rep contacting potential customers for a discussion about the product or service they offer and engage in negotiations.
  • Direct sales: refers to the sale of a business's products to other businesses through a third party such as distributors, resellers, agents, etc.
  • Digital or online sales refer to B2B transactions that are conducted through e-commerce platforms or online marketplaces.
  • Bulk sales: Refers to businesses that sell an extensive items or stock to a individual buyer, typically at the price of a discount.

Consider for instance: Let's suppose that your company traditionally sells online courses directly to customers to earn income. It is possible to sell your courses in bulk directly to large companies and businesses so they can offer the courses to customers, employees or even partners as well as to their customers, partners or employees. This will enable you to substantially increase the revenue you make from just one sale because you'd be charging for the bulk purchase, and not for just one customer.

Companies are increasingly using digital tools to simplify the process of selling. Based on Gartner research, there is an ongoing shift in customer preferences from in-person sales interactions towards digital channels.

What are the differences between B2B from B2C sales?

B2B and business-to customer (B2C) selling are similar in many ways. However, there are some major differentiators.

  Experience vs Relationship  

In B2C selling, focus is usually on providing an enjoyable and convenient shopping experience to clients. It is the primary objective to streamline the sales process and make it as easy for customers to reach as possible.

For B2B sales, on the other hand, the focus is to build long-lasting relationship with clients which can prove beneficial to both parties.


When preparing for mass-market customer marketing, the personalization products or services isn't usually necessary because B2C consumers don't generally need or expect custom-designed solutions or personalized offers.

In B2B sales however it is commonplace to customize and personalize items or services is usually demanded, particularly when you are selling digital products.

  Buyer focus  

Unlike businesses, individual customers are usually making decisions based on their individual emotions and desires. A key difference B2B selling has to do with the decision to purchase usually has to be put through many decision makers who are typically focussed on aspects such as the price, quality and value for money when making a purchase.

However, many similar principles to B2C selling - like providing the best customer experience still apply to B2B selling processes.

What is the reason B2B sales are shifting?

The B2B selling landscape has changed due to a variety of aspects.

  • Digital solutions are gaining popularity: Digital solutions are becoming ever more sophisticated which makes it much easier for buyers to search for details on their own. This cuts down on the need to have direct sales representatives, and makes the buying process more efficient and easier.
  • Technology is increasing at an alarming pace consumers have access to a wider range of options to purchasing goods or services.
  • More data available: Those same technological advances also offer greater amounts of data than before. The companies can utilize this information to understand the needs of their customers, personalize their offerings and develop relationships that last.

Customers are becoming smarter in the way they tackle the issue. They're less likely to accept pitches, and rather, they want a simple customer experience that is free of obstructions.

B2B selling best practices for 2023

What does the evolving B2B selling landscape leave you? Looking for ways to provide those customers with an effortless and seamless purchasing experience. These are the best practices for your business or other organization to think about for 2023.

  Conduct customer research  

Research is the key to success in any business, and that's especially true for B2B selling. You must know whom your customers are, what their needs are and the best way to best meet them.

Do not assume that you are aware of what your customers would like. Launch customer surveys with thoughtful questionsand follow up on the responses closely. Researching your customers will assist you in understanding your clients' needs better, and also build trust with them. Find feedback from customers whenever possible by using social media, surveys, customer interviews, and more.

  Nurture your leads  

The process of lead nurturing consists of engaging with potential customers on an ongoing basis. This involves giving them useful material that meets their preferences as well as their needs, while also building relations and trust with them over time.

  Maximize time with B2B buyers  

If you get the chance to meet a customer in person (or on the phone) be sure that you're taking advantage of it. Prepare yourself with pertinent information and data that will aid in solving the problem of the customer.

Build trust by knowing what they want to be able to suggest options that are accurate.

Finally, don't forget about following up! Follow-up after every meeting is vital to remain in the forefront of buyers' minds and helping build lasting relationships.

  Self-service and online purchasing alternatives  

Whatever you prepare, some customers do not want to speak with a sales representative or undergo a long and tedious purchasing process. It's the reason it's so important to offer self-service and online purchasing options to customers who want greater control over their buying process.

Offering solutions like these will make it easier (and more efficient) for customers to purchase your products and services without having to wait on an agent each occasion they'll need it.

  Avoid wasting time with the logistics  

The self-service and digital solutions can help sales teams by reducing the time spent on logistical tasks. Instead of spending time on tracker of shipment and fulfillment Digital and automated solutions can help sales representatives gain more time to work on other important tasks, such as maintaining leads.

This makes it easier for teams to focus on sales support and customer engagement, rather than having to deal with paperwork or other back-end tasks. If you streamline the process, customers will love it more.

  Become a strategic growth partner  

It's no longer enough to provide just the product or service. The customers today demand more than that - they need partners who can assist to succeed over the long term.

Companies must become strategic partners with their customers as well as look at the big picture. It is about providing outstanding customer service and support and solutions that go beyond basic products or services including advice, training or insight into market developments.

Set yourself up as the authority in your industry and offer value beyond the sale.

  Customer service is king  

At the end of the day, customers want to feel like they're receiving the best treatment.

In the case of your company, this means expanding beyond the normal service to your customers. This includes quick and efficient responses to inquiries from customers, solving any issues or concerns promptly, and contacting customers following their purchase.

Standardizing your B2B selling process

To make your sales more successful You'll have to improve your sales procedure. It's about creating a step-by-step process for interactions with customers beginning with initial communication to close of sale - regardless of whether that interaction is with a representative or an automated software.

  Mapping the journey  

For example, if you're selling software, you'll need think about things like procedures for onboarding and technical solutions for support.

  • Will they need to manage the product themselves?
  • Are you planning to provide continuous support?
  • Where can they get the necessary documentation?
  • How will they be able to reach the customer service department should they require help?

All of these questions must be taken into account when mapping out the customer's journey.

  Customer segmentation  

This same method won't work for everyone.

You'll have to categorize your customers into distinct categories, to personalize the experience to the individual. Some customers may be more price sensitive, while other customers are more concerned with high-quality. Some other things to consider are:

  • The size of the company
  • Budget
  • Motivation to buy
  • Market trends

  Lead qualification  

Spending time with leads that won't convert is a huge waste of resources. That's why lead qualification is so important.

You'll need to develop criteria for deciding which leads are worth pursuing as well as which leads are best abandoned or nurtured for a longer period of some time. Most important to consider is the authority. Is your contact point or lead of contact have the authority to take a final purchasing decision? If not, could they connect you with someone that has the authority?

  Sales pitch creation  

Customized doesn't necessarily mean distinctive. There are standard templates and frameworks that can be used to create an effective sales pitch.

In particular for example, for instance, the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire & Action) framework is an excellent tool for making persuasive pitch that gets the desired results. Another is the PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solve) framework, which is used to identify customer pain points and create a solution.

These can be matched to specific segments, or mixed for what looks like a customized (yet uniform) pitch.

Strategies for stronger B2B relationships

Building good relationships with your clients is vital to ensure successful B2B selling. Here are some helpful tips to assist you in doing just that.

  • Be transparent: Make sure that the client is aware of the benefits they'll receive when they sign up for an item or service.
  • Offer value that goes beyond purchase: Show customers how their purchase will benefit them in the long run and not only following the sign-up.
  • Understand and listen to their needs Be attentive to the customers' wants and needs to provide them with the best possible solution.
  • Take advantage of occasions to provide customers with advice, help troubleshoot issues or give them additional tools to help them achieve their goals.

If you take the time to spend some time focusing on the needs of your customers rather than trying to sell them something, they will react positively and be more involved.

What to be aware of when B2B selling

There are several typical traps B2B sellers fall into, especially now the digital technology is becoming more prevalent.

  • Try to sell excessively, and too fast: You need to understand the customer's needs before you can offer the solution.
  • Be too aggressive in selling tactics: If clients are feeling pressured into signing to something, they'll make a bad taste in their mouths and may lead customers to search for another company.
  • Not following up after purchasing: Buyers are pleased when companies follow up when a sale has been made - this shows that you truly care about giving good customer service and not only making sales.
  • Neglecting feedback from customers: If clients are giving you feedback, you should look at their comments. It will allow you to develop your product or service and ensure that your the customers are happy.

In addition, provide an opportunity for customers to purchase without friction as no one would like to endure a lengthy and complex procedure.

Example of B2B tools

In order to help you achieve success in the ever-changing B2B selling market, there are a variety of instruments that are available.

  • CRM Software: CRM or customer Relationship Management (CRM) software allows businesses to keep and analyse customer data such as details about contact information, preferences and purchase information. This can provide valuable insights into which customers to best target for sales campaigns.
  • Data analytics platforms Platforms for data analytics allow firms to dig deeper into customer behavior by monitoring website interaction as well as analyzing feedback from clients and more. These platforms help identify patterns that can inform new sales strategies.
  • Learning Management Systems The Learning Management Systems (LMS) enable businesses to develop online learning environments for employees, customers as well as partners. This can help improve the customer experience and generate revenue.

The tools will make the sales process more effective and also provide clients with a more pleasant overall experience.

  Final thought  

B2B sales are completely different than it was just a few years ago. And it's going to remain completely different also in the near future.

Successful businesses will be those who are eager to be innovative and take on the latest technologies in order to stay one step ahead of the competition.

  Learn how to effectively grow your business by leveraging the power of B2B sales with this course for free: