Attend WordCamp at WordCamp Asia 2024! -

Feb 18, 2024

Are you prepared to go to the biggest gathering of Asia with a total of 2,000 WordPress fans? If so, then come at WordCamp Asia 2024 at Booth 17! We'd love to chat with individuals personally!

Come join us to Taipei International Convention Center (TICC) on March 7th through 9th, for an extraordinary celebration of all things WordPress.

Take part in an extensive range of workshops, events and seminars, where industry-leading speakers will share their knowledge while cutting-edge technology will be showcased. Take advantage of the spirit of collaboration and help the community at Contributor Day, where you have the opportunity to contribute to WordPress and the WordPress project and make an impact that lasts.

There is a lot to discover about the beauty of Taipei. Discover the vibrant food, culture, and breathtaking landscapes that make the city full of energy. Evening events after the party can provide opportunities to make new friends and make lasting memories! Get together, connect with others, and feel inspired in the city of dreams, in which tradition meets technology and the latest technology thrives in the midst of beautiful culture.

Where to Buy Tickets

Do you need to purchase tickets? Click here for the registration page to buy your tickets to get access to amazing speaker schedules amazing networking opportunities, as well as exclusive software that will enhance your experience even more! Tickets are included in the WordCamp Asia conference days (March 8 - 9) including lunch, snacks and coffee, as well as an invitation to an officially-sponsored WordCamp Asia After Party. If you're a ticket holder you'll be able to join to participate in Contributor Day (March 7).

How to Connect With at WordCamp Asia 2024

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