A filmmaker Mayumi Yoshida is forging her own way with her personal narrative

Jul 15, 2023

Mayumi Yoshida may be recently attracting attention as a result of her involvement in filmmaking however, she recounts her experience, she began directing almost by accident. "I started my professional career in the role of an actor" declares Mayumi. "There was a lack of parts, and there wasn't enough roles to be one that I was passionate about within my being and made me feel"Oh I'm living my dream.'" Therefore, when an opportunity was presented to get funding for a short film, Mayumi took the initiative - to play more than an important role, but to also become the director the film, which is a personal narrative.

"That resulted in a myriad of film festivals,"" Says Mayumi. "It led me to consider"I have a lot I could do as a storyteller, as filmmakers, and in the same way as acting." Since the time, Mayumi has continued to steadily build her film repertoire including working with artist Amanda Sum on artful music videos that challenge expectations and challenge the structure of the genre.

"The most valuable advice I've received from a friend who was not me was that they told me to be accountable for my abilities," says Mayumi. It means embracing her work, even when there is self-doubt. "Don't ever be a slave to yourself for the sake of others," she adds. "You are feeling like"Oh, but this is too for me to do anything about it. Oh, but I won't get in. This isn't going to occur.' You haven't heard this yet. You have told you that. Let it go. make the shot, and then you'll not ever. It is often success. out."

We had the pleasure of talking to Mayumi prior to her Staff Picked film "Different Than Before" was awarded the Jury Award for Best Music Video at the 2023 SXSW festival. Take a look at the highlights of our conversation in the video above and read the full interview here.

   What themes do you see yourself coming back to over and over again during your work?  

Mayumi Mayumi: My most frequent subjects in my movies are the quest of identity, oftentimes family drama. I believe that a large portion of my work stems from the personal. This means that there are relationships among families or in between the different cultures, intergenerational and cross-cultural questions are my passions.

   What are your motives?  

Mayumi The one thing I love regarding film is the fact that it continues to exist forever. Film tells stories, and now it's like this container, yet it will continue to exist forever. This is exactly what the characters experience even when you're not around anymore. It's true that I've seen numerous films that were created prior to my birth  which affect my daily life. If I were the medium of creating stories that could continue to be told for a lifetime, that became sort of my purpose after creating my own films which I thoroughly enjoyed. I thought "Ooh, there's something more. There's more to it than simply sharing what I'm in love with."

   We would love to hear your thoughts of your Staff Pick Experience.  

Mayumi The experience was actually, very thrilling. To me, it really meant something to everyone, since the film was an important public service announcement, and we truly wanted to see it be successful not just because all involved worked extremely hard to make it happen, but also since this message needed to be communicated in this moment, and it continues to. We launched the film in Asian Heritage Month, so it's important to ensure that lots of people saw it and felt the message. The staff also, boosted that, so I really enjoyed that.

I was very acquainted in Staff Picks which I thought to myself, "Oh, that's the cool group of people." I was able to experience as "Oh, am I worthy?" Now I feel that I'm just a cool and fun people who hang out and I'm truly honored to be in the group.

   What's the next step in your life?  

Mayumi Mayumi: The next task I have to complete is making my first film, which is based on my first short film, AKASHI. The journey has been long and I'm incredibly happy we actually get to make this. I'm really excited to present it at these really cool events - and to share it with , in the future.

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