8 Metrics Every Course Creator Should Track 8. Metrics Course Creators Should Track

Sep 1, 2022

Course designers are always searching for ways to improve their classes. One of the most effective ways for this is to listen to the students.

However, the issue is that your learners won't always let you know what's happening in your course. They'll drop out, cancel their subscription, or complete the course and disappear, but you'll never know the full story.

Monitoring online course metrics can help you understand what your students are thinking about your course, and what you can do to improve it.

There's more to metrics than measuring the rate of completion for a course. No course will have the perfect finish in the event of a life-changing incident or when a student's reasons or conditions change.

We'll look at eight metrics of your online courses that you should be tracking and how you can use the data to improve success.

Learning Performance and Progress

      Metric 1 the Course Progression      

In a nutshell, students who progress through the course at a rapid pace are most likely interested and engaged. This could be a sign of a successful course design that you can replicate or demonstrate to others.

When monitoring course progression Be sure to ask these concerns:

  • What is the time it takes for an individual to finish an entire lesson?
  • How fast do they progress through each subject and lesson?
  • What concepts seem easy to you, and what concepts seem difficult?
  • If they are consistently dragging the course, what can I do to clarify the issue?

Learner Satisfaction And Approval

      Metric 2. Exit surveys      

The fact that a student has completed an entire course, it doesn't mean that they loved it. Consider sending out an assessment after the course is completed (and once learners know their feedback won't affect the final grade.) A quick exit survey can capture initial impressions.

      Metric 3: Class review      

      Metric 4: Instructor's effectiveness      

Even the most experienced instructors can waver when presenting online courses. Be sure to observe the way instructors respond to requests from students and the way they communicate with your learners. This is especially important to track if instructors change but not the material for the class. Do you notice a change in student engagement?

      Metric 5, Discussions and Comments      

Discussion threads on the internet can be a fantastic way for students to study the material with others and experience the sense of being part of a community. Check group discussions for how learners are talking about and engaging with the subject. Certain levels of involvement within the discussion board could be validating!

Learning Competency and Proficiency

      Metric 6: Quiz Scores      

      Metric 7 Quality of Assignment Submissions      

The complexity and the quality of assignments helps you get the sense of whether students are engaged with the course. If you can, provide learners individual feedback for each assignment (or review the feedback that an instructor has left). This will help you determine how students are overcoming roadblocks. It could also result in higher achievement rates (and evaluations!) for learners who have individual needs.

      Metric 8 Certifications vs Retakes      

How long will learners remain engaged in the course and do they come back to take another course? How many finish the course with a certification and how many have to retake the final test? A strong completion rate is an easy statistic to track, without requiring the students to submit an explicit exam.

Does Your LMS Feature customizable Metrics?

  • Check out a quick snapshot of your assignment and enrollment status when you log in
  • Monitor real-time student progress and monitor how students progress throughout the course and keep tabs on scores from tests.
  • Manage assignments by approving or removing assignments
  • Advanced reports can be run and exported course data into CSV or Excel files. CSV or Excel document

Are you interested in seeing it working? Go through our webinar on ProPanel to get a better understanding of how these functions work in the next lesson.

And if you're ready to play, check out ProPanel on our live demo.