6 Tips for How to design an online course

Jun 16, 2022

Whatever the case, whether you're building the very first or your 10th class, these five suggestions will help students make the most of the experience.

There are a variety of online courses offered. Let's say it again... Many.

Some are good. A few are decent. Certain are horrible.

The high demand for online classes indicates that a lot of students are trying to earn money through their own online class, and that's wonderful! But, many online instructors are creating courses of poor quality that do not serve the students they teach.

There's a process to creating the perfect online course. Even in the midst of all the competition available, a well-crafted carefully thought-out and designed course that gives the necessary change can still do really well.

In this this post we'll discuss how to organize your online courses so that learners are making the most of the learning experience. These six tips can assist you to gain a better awareness of the process you're guiding your students through, and ways they can be on the path to getting to where they want to be. If you adhere to the guidelines in these tips then you'll be on your path to deliver a high-quality course as well as the feedback of students who are pleased with this.

If you'd like to receive more support in creating your online community or online course Join OUR Mighty Community for free and meet others who are new community leaders! We'd love to meet you. Register for membership for free!

 In this piece...

1. Beginning at the at the

2. Pay attention to the steps

3. Test of retention of knowledge

4. Build your projects

5.Mix mediums

6. Select the appropriate platform


Starting at

It is possible to explain the flaws with too many online courses?

Many course designers begin by explaining what they're acquainted with and wish to share. Things they would like to discuss. Then, they start to design the program.

The reason why this isn't a good suggestion.

The most effective courses don't come by the memory dump of everything you've learned. What's important to make a great course is to ensure that you know the things you would like your pupils to get from the course. Where will they go when they're done?

Begin with the goal in the mind of your. Online communities are for people who want to build communities. We define this goal as a Big Goal declaration.

The Big Purpose statement looks exactly like this.


The Big Purpose of a course is the same. It's about bringing together a set of people that want to attain a particular outcome. This is the main reason why you're on your program. designed for.

It's not:


  • Sharing everything you have
  • They will be impressed by demonstrating your knowledge
  • Making them experts in a subject (unless you're talking about taking a masterclass)

The primary goal of the program is to encourage participants through a transformation in some way. The participants could experience dramatic, life-altering transformations. They could also be tiny, intimate, and enjoyable.

Here are some examples of transforms:


  • Go from having no knowledge of guitar to singing in front of the campfire
  • You can go from being a couch potato to a slower AF running      
  • It is possible to go from being the floral designer, to having a flourishing flower business      
  • Master the fundamentals of marketing to mastering YouTube advertisements

People want transformations. That's why you should define the transform you wish your participants to accomplish. It is then possible to work backward from this and incorporate into your course exactly what the ideal pupil would have to accomplish in order to achieve the change that you wish them to complete Nothing more and nothing less.

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Pay attention to the actions

If you've set an objective clearly identified for your program You can begin drawing the outline of what your class should contain. It could take some time to research or, in the case of teaching something you've already mastered You could simply be contemplating about the lessons you've have learned.

Take a blank piece either paper or paper. Note down your final. Next, ask yourself "What do they ACTUALLY need in order to change this? ?"

One of the most serious risks within this realm is referred to by the "curse of not knowing." It's difficult to figure out how to teach someone who is new, even if you've been able to master some thing, but it's been quite a while when you were a complete beginner. Remember glazing over at trigonometry when your teacher was speaking about hypotenuse without offering a definition for the term?

It's probably the curse of working with knowledge. It's when you assume someone else knows something you take for granted.

The answer is: focus on the actions. You should ask yourself "what steps do I need to take in order to understand this?" Also, include all the information you can come up with, no matter if they may be aware of it or not.

Let's declare that you've taken an intro guitar course. You've selected a catchy name that you'll use to call it "Campfire Guitar Mastery: From 0 to Leading in a Singalong ."

Who is it that has never had a guitar need to know to make the transition from playing zero to playing at a campfire?

Here are some steps which could be helpful:


  • HTML0 What's the most effective method to choose the best guitar even if you do have one?
  • The guitar's parts
  • How do I find and understand chord charts
  • Strumming patterns
  • The first track
  •  How to practice effectively
  •  Where to locate chords for songs
  • What can you sing when you play
  • How can you gain confidence in playing public

If you've determined what the objective is, you've got the correct direction on the best way to structure your online courses to assist your students achieve the objective. It could be your courses or modules.

Don't give them more than they need!

This was discussed earlier. The most common mistake that instructors commit is trying to complete a course with everything they've learned. It's tempting to do this due to a variety of reasons, but generally, it's because it creates an impression that students would value our course more , if it's got everything they need in it.

Avoid the temptation. Give them what they want instead. Student satisfaction does not come from an extended class. It's the direct result of a successful course.

So, for our guitar campfire course, you'll notice that it doesn't have:


  • An in-depth background of the history of the guitar
  • Guitar lessons all over the globe
  • A step-by-step guide for listening to music.
  • A detailed explanation of the reasons the reasons to learn how the game (from the course description They know the reason)
  • How to build a campfire

Concentrate on the steps will be required. Then, pitch the rest.

     A tip: When you've laid out your plan out, take a look at every step, and consider how you can take any off. If you're able to eliminate a few modules and feel confident that your students are able to learn what they require, then take the opportunity!

     Begin Your Free Trial There is no credit card required.

Test for knowledge retention

When you're conducting examinations or tests in your class Make sure that your students are following the information they'll need to retain for the next time. Exams are often seen as a way to check whether students are paying attention, or ask silly questions such as "In module 2 which queen was Queen of England in the discussion? ?"

If you're planning on taking a test your students' knowledge, be sure to test it by evaluating and reinforcing knowledge they have to take into the future rather than ensuring that the students retained any irrelevant information from the class.

Here are a few examples that are both bad and good queries:

HTML0 Facebook advertising course:


  • What is the color of Facebook logo? (bad)
  • What is "audience" is referring to in your advertising? (good)

The Business Course:


  • What colour pants did Jake dressed in his 2nd lesson? (bad)
  • How can I improve retention of members? (good)

Make sure all the questions have been linked to the information and abilities that they will require in order to accomplish the objectives of the program.

Build projects

A different method to organize online course materials is for students to design their own projects. This can be done in lieu of exams or tests.

If your students get to the finish line of your lesson and they've already got some tangible results this is a fantastic achievement! You'll also see higher retention rates by actually doing their work in the first place.

If you're teaching a class which has a concrete or imaginative output, leading students through creating an assessment or portfolio might be an solution.

Below are a few examples that show the types of work you could get from an online class:

The focus of the course is Web Design for Beginners
    The Project: A Site

Course Description: Ruby on rails
    The Project: This is your first application

Training: Master Watercolor Painting
     Project: Your first painting

Course: Intro to Lettering
    Portfolio: Lettering work

Course: Pitching Magazines
     Project: A completed pitch sent out

There are a lot of classes that teach students the best ways to complete tasks, and let them use the knowledge independently. If you show the students how, walk through the procedure as well as provide them with an item they could take away, they'll be able to get the most of your course.

Mix mediums

Another factor that will assist in structuring online courses is the mix of delivery methods. People learn differently. So, including a wide range of tools to your class assists students with different learning methods, PLUS makes the class easy to access.

It is feasible to build an online class using pre-recorded Asynchronous video. This gives the students the opportunity to either watch or listen to the video and end and resume the course as they wish. It could include an explanation of the text or a transcription to those who like reading or suffer from a disability that makes audio or video inaccessible. There is the possibility of including live chats in which course students can meet to talk regarding their materials for the class or to ask questions and also do actions in a group.

This type of mixed approach has several benefits to students, and also lets them learn according to the way they learn best.

Select the platform that is appropriate.

Last, but not least it's important to choose the right course platform. There are a lot of choices available, however just a handful of them allow you to do those points above: mixing up both synchronous and non-synchronous instruction as well as taking part in live discussion and asking inquiries, conducting assessments in addition to allowing students to share the work of their classes.

That's why choosing the right platform is an important stage. If you're searching for the best platform for developing your own course, give it a try ! It's a user-friendly and sophisticated engine for course creation that allows you to create content in any way you could imagine and includes all the instruments to promote your course. Each course has its own private community. It can be custom branded, and you can mix recorded and live-streamed video content.

Feature Item 2 - Courses

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At the end of the day, the most effective approach to designing an online course will be to concentrate on what changes students want and the best way to bring them there. If you can do this, you'll stand ahead of other courses out in the market.

So if you:


  • Define the transform you're looking to make,
  • Find out the steps required for achieving their objective,
  • Let them go through it.
  • And check to make sure that the operation went as planned...

Your course will create a course that your students enjoy and are eager to tell their classmates about, as well as an audience of enthusiastic fans waiting to see the next lesson!

If you're looking to test your course , you're able to check it out for absolutely no cost, with no needing a credit card.

Are you equipped with the tools to begin an online class?

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