13 of the most profitable niches to use for Online Courses

Apr 8, 2023

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What's the best potential market for an online-based course?

If you're new to online learning The first idea you'll think of when you are greeted with the words "online course" could be in the world of traditional education. Maybe an academic mathematics or science class at a university or high school or language course. However, the field offers more than that. Nowadays, students from all backgrounds and experience offer classes and workshops on almost any topic you can imagine.

Do you know the saying, "there's riches in niches?" This is particularly applicable to educational online.

Niches are areas of particular interest where someone might have special expertise or knowledge. For example, a cooking class might be a subject of interest , if the class is focused on a particular country's food or the style of cooking like bread-making. Bryant Terry, for instance, is a renowned chef and author of six top-selling cookbooks on healthy vegetarian and vegan dishes. He is a renowned chef and is able to make a program on that one subject matter within your area of expertise, and become the go-to resource for learning on that area.

It's crucial to realize that to attain the ability to be successful within a specific area, you don't need to be an expert on your subject or possess an extensive knowledge of it. You just need to have a greater understanding than the average individual -- sufficient to allow them to learn and witness any kind of improvement in their knowledge, progress or transformation. Your area of expertise could relate to your career or interests. Then you can skip to the section about finding your specialization.

What's the sub-sector to online classes?

Sub-niches are areas that you are able to specialize in within your business. It is in essence, an area that is specialized within an area of expertise. For instance, if we take cooking as an example instead of solely focusing on bread-making an experienced chef could choose to teach specifically about creating an sourdough starter. Thus, their primary focus is making bread and their specialty is making sourdough starters.

Which are the top-performing niches for online education in 2023?

Marketing via digital

The news of job cuts and the tightening of budgets for marketing made headlines during the course of the past year. Marketing executives are now required to reduce their spend and demonstrate the return on the investment (ROI). In this regard, the majority of marketers -- particularly people who are new to the field -- are looking for ways to increase their knowledge. It's a fantastic chance for skilled marketers to share their knowledge of the digital world.

Online courses that are examples on this topic:

Keywords to be sought in this region :

  • Digital Marketing Courses available on the web - - 24K/month
  • Social Media Marketing Course online -the cost is 1.7K/month

A few sub-niche subject suggestions :

  • Crisis management communications using social media
  • How do you create an extremely-converting Google Ad
  • Measures that can be quantifiable and quantitative of the digital advertisement
  • Five steps to develop your first strategy for content


If there's something you can cook on repeat, with tremendous success and consistently there's no better time to make money from your skills that you've acquired via online training! Develop an online course that shares the techniques you use to cook your favorite dishes. The art of cooking is an excellent field to make more money as well as. You could make recipe cards, or even an entire cookbook, offer cooking classes one-on-one and offer additional products to your students.

HTML0Examples of online classes in this area:

Keywords that are searched for in this field :

  • Online cooking course - 1.9K/month
  • Online cooking course with certificate 497 per month
  • Learn how to bake using the internet - 2.9K/month

A few sub-niche subject suggestions :

  • What is a great ice cream base
  • Bread is made out of the sourdough dough
  • The basics of cooking eggs
  • Advanced techniques for cake decorating


As another skill of tomorrow, cyber security has become an extremely popular and rapidly growing area of study. Demand for cybersecurity education is increasing as businesses, seeing organizations such as Lastpass and Indigo suffer significant harm by attacks, are recognizing that they're not taking cybersecurity very lightly. Alongside the intense competition to hire cybersecurity experts, it is an area where each employee of a company should have some fundamental knowledge. That means that you will have many opportunities when you possess the expertise in the creation of educational resources regarding cybersecurity.

HTML0Examples of online course related to this subject:

The volume of searches that are made of key terms in this field :

  • Cybersecurity training - 76.3K/month
  • Cybersecurity online training -- 5.9K/month
  • Cybersecurity online learning -- 840/month

Sub-niche topics :

  • The basics in API security
  • How can you get above and beyond the firewall
  • How can you secure your code
  • Education on cybersecurity awareness for non-technical workers

Personal finance and investment

There's a lot of volatility in the markets. As inflation is very high there's news about banks collapsing. There's no surprise that people want to know how manage their finances and invest, instead of relying on financial institutions or professionals. Since most banking and investing is managed in the form of an app, there's fantastic opportunity to start teaching people about their personal finances. It's not a difficult market to promote Financial literacy and understanding of investing will assist those who invest to earn more money. This is an investment in the short-term that will itself pay dividends for the future!

HTML0A few examples of online training courses within this field:

Search volume for keywords within this field :

  • Personal Finance 101 (1.1K/month) 1.1K/month
  • Different kinds of loans (3.5K/month) 3.5K/month
  • What can I do to invest in the market for stocks? Sum: 26K/month

Sub-niche topics :

  • Comparing different long-term investment types
  • How to start by investing in stocks?
  • How do you calculate your net worth
  • Negotiating with the mortgage broker 101

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation has been a relatively recent phenomenon that has increased because companies have begun shift the majority of their infrastructure into cloud. The COVID-19 virus has caused a number of companies to shift to remote or hybrid operations. In the end, enterprises now require systems which have speed, efficiency, as well as safe. This is a highly desired capacity for the coming years also, which is why it could be beneficial to focus on professionals looking to upgrade their skills or locate a position which is focused more on technical aspects. Luckily, digital transformation topics are both strategic and technological, and if you have experience in either you shouldn't have a problem for you to locate a potential group for your class.

HTML0 A few examples of online classes within this field:

Keywords that are searched for in this field :

  • What's digital transformation ? 12.8K/month
  • Digital Transformation Course (3.5K/month) 3.5K/month
  • Course in Data Analytics Course in Data Analytics 81.3K/month

Sub-niche topics :

  • Mobile commerce technologies
  • What is the best way to transfer an actual server in the cloud
  • Data analysis analysis analytical for students who are not experts.

Executive leadership development

Leadership development for executives has for a long time become a lucrative business for coaches. They're the ones who manage the business and are the most difficult (and economical) to replace. Hence, coaching them to develop isn't a problem. Since more teams are working from home or in remote environments which makes it hard to get everyone to join in person for training. People are instead taking online courses that are convenient to obtain and giving executives with busy schedules the ability to work as they please. Although there is lot of competition within this field, it is deemed to be an extremely high-margin area.

HTML0 Examples of online classes within this area:

Search volume for keywords in this area :

  • Leader course 11.8K/month 11.8K/month
  • Leadership development program - 8.8K/month
  • Coaching for corporate clients -- 4.1K/month

Sub-niche topic ideas :

  • Leadership and empathy
  • The best way to get through moments of crises and massive transformation
  • What are you able to do to encourage alignment in the team?
  • What can you do to make the most from the sales staff that goes beyond money

Home Improvement

Who doesn't love a good DIY? By 2028, the U.S. market for home remodeling is predicted to grow and exceed 500 billion dollars. That's why a lot of people are on "team remodeling." Even though the demand is high but the typical homeowner is likely to be less informed in home improvement than prior to. This is a fantastic educational opportunity. Finding the best topic is crucial because you'll be competing with videos that are free on YouTube. Pick a home improvement option that is expensive hard to complete, requires a lot of planning and preparation, and you'll have the chance to find a profitable market.

 Online courses that are an example of this field:

Keywords to be searched for in this niche :

  • Home improvement diy - 6.6K/month
  • How to build a deck 17.7K/month 17.7K/month
  • DIY kitchen renovation - 870/month

Sub-niche topics:

  • The color of your room
  • Pouring concrete 101
  • Create arching doors frames
  • Refinishing hardwood flooring

Marketing using Influencers

It feels like influencer marketing is a fad for some time -- because it has however, the field is always changing. TikTok has taken over from Instagram and has made it much easier for everyday users to build large audiences. Still, it's more difficult to do than it sounds. If you've got an education in marketing or communications you may be able to assist aspiring influencers in finding their fans or help firms navigate through the maze of marketing via influencers. A different area in which you could develop the ability to boost the earnings of the students you teach, and they'll be prepared to spend money for the expertise they gain upfront.

Examples of online courses on this topic:

Keywords searched for in this area :

  • How do you become an influencer - 16.1K/month
  • How can I make money through TIkTok --- 31.8K/month
  • Amazon Influencers Program -46.5K/month - 46.5K/month

Sub-niche subject ideas:

  • Getting perfect lighting in different spaces
  • Video editing 101
  • Learning the algorithms behind social media
  • What are the best ways to use affiliate links to earn the most amount of money

Stress management

It's not difficult to imagine that a number of "once only once in a lifetime" incidents have been covered in the news over these past years. From the pandemic , to joblessness, isolation, global conflicts in the form of climate change and many more. It's safe to say that stress is in an all-time high for a lot of people. To help people manage stress is a profitable online course , which is required in our world at the moment. Additionally, the public has never been more willing to search for information that will assist them in navigating their emotions and emotions. Companies, too, have begun to recognize that the mental well-being of their workers plays an important role in their productivity and happiness. This is an ideal opportunity for experts in the field of creator education to join and have a significant impact.

 Examples of online classes on this subject:

The volume of searches that are made for key words in this field :

  • How to deal with stress How to manage anxiety 8.6K/month
  • A course for Stress management --- 1.7K/month
  • How to handle workplace stress 3K/month

Sub-niche topic ideas:

  • The building of emotional strength
  • What exactly is mindfulness?
  • Learning in a safe psychologically workplace
  • Empathy and leadership

 Sports coaching

There's no reason for any industry to be entirely new. Even though it's a well-known and competitive one, there's an enormous number of individuals beginning their careers or trying to become successful as coaches. It's a niche field however, it has many sub-specialties , which are unique to every sport. Good coaches also need to be trained on general topics such as diet, injury rehabilitation, and communication management in order to assist their teams. It is possible that you have experience coaching for your team, or had the privilege of teaching coaches previously and have tips you could use to develop sellable online course content.

 Online courses that are an example of this field:

Keywords searched for within this field :

  • Classes for coaching basketball 2-K per month
  • What's the qualities of an excellent instructor? -- 1.1K/month
  • Coaching in sports 890/month

Examples of sub niche topic ideas:

  • Coaching high-performance athletes
  • Nutritional requirements for athletes who are high-performance soccer players
  • The fundamentals of creating an application for games
  • How do you run a successful practice sessions for tryouts

Personal organisation

Marie Kondo's "spark joy" method of organizing took off in 2014. The public loved her easy approach, affluent, and incredibly relatable approach to making cleaning and household organization an easy task. There are numerous shows, books along with a Youtube tutorial on how to keep a tidy and neat lifestyle. In other words, she's an illustration of how people appreciate and want this type of information within their lives. An organization of a small size can go a long way in bringing calm, increasing the efficiency of your business, as well as increasing satisfaction. This is something that people will pay for.

Online courses that are an example of this subject:

Volume of searches for key words within this field :

  • Organization skills examples - 1.2K/month
  • How do you keep organised? - 1.6K/month
  • Time management tips - 11.3K/month

 Examples of sub-niche topics:

  • The definitive guide for prioritizing 101
  • The maintenance and development of the label system
  • The process of making a schedule of
  • Timelines and schedules for building

Living a healthy lifestyle

The term "healthy living" can be understood differently. For the majority of people, focus on taking healthy meals, engaging in physical fitness activities daily, and keeping a level emotional condition. Dieticians, doctors, therapists as well as spiritual coach and even cooks are able to create classes in this field. One of the advantages of this topic is that it has consumers searching for information at the awareness level and the level of understanding, meaning that you are able to create content that is suitable for either -either or both!

HTML0 Online courses are the best examples of this area:

Search volume of key terms in this area :

  • Fitness classes on the internet (2.8K/month) 2.8K/month
  • How to develop good habits of eating --- 2.2K/month
  • Tips to lead a healthier living 9.2K/month 9.2K/month

HTML1 Examples of sub-niche topics:

  • Balance and recovery
  • Find your inner spirit
  • Diets that are designed to treat certain medical issues
  • Maintaining consistency in healthy living


Entrepreneurs seek out the option of developing and running their own businesses due to the appeal of being their own boss. But that doesn't necessarily suggest that they have sufficient skills for achieving the goal. Indeed, nearly fifty percent of companies are unsuccessful within the first years. If you have experience running your own company that's prosperous or have was in a startup environment that was tight on resources, it's quite likely that you'll be in a position to provide some valuable suggestions. Because no one would want their venture to be the next company to fall under Entrepreneurs are constantly seeking out new knowledge.

HTML0 Examples of online training courses in the field of HTML0:

Volume of searches for key words in this area :

  • Entrepreneurship course - 14.1K/month
  • How to manage an enterprise - 3.8K/month
  • Marketing Tips for Small businesses -- 2.1K/month

HTML1 Examples of sub-niche topic ideas:

  • What's the most effective way to turn your dream into the reality you want to see?
  • Getting funding for your business
  • How to hire your first employee
  • High-converting marketing strategies for beginners

Which is the best way to select your field of interest

Imagine your expertise lies.

Make an inventory of possible areas of interest that are related to your expertise as well as interests you could design programs around. Then, you'll be able to reduce it to a select few less than five ideas. There is a way to follow the steps below to narrow it down further  If you'd like to narrow it down further. You can count on your relatives and acquaintances along with your colleagues to help you identify the area that is most similar to yours.

Additionally, you must be sure that your area of expertise is up-to-date and relevant, therefore be sure not to select a niche which you may have worked in quite a bit of before, but not been involved in for more than 5 years (or maybe shorter in the case of something related to the technological advancements that change fast).

Analyze the potential marketability of that particular segment

Are your competition in this field? Do you have a lot of material on the subject? Make sure to conduct an exhaustive research into this area, in addition to any sub-niches that you might be looking to write content on. Begin by searching through the web for online classes related to your field of knowledge. In just a couple of minutes you'll find out if there are any courses on the subject. Utilizing a browser plug-in like Keywords Everywhere can give you the toughest SEO (KD) score for the keywords you're searching for. The higher your score, the more difficult it is to compete. It is generally recommended to strive to compete with keywords less than 60/100.

Find out where your customer is

Finding the most popular subjects in the online courses you are offering can help you find out what your students are purchasing. There may be a long time to complete this study via Google searching on its own, but there are marketing tools that will give you an idea of this data a little more quickly. As an example, Google Trends is a search tool that helps to find out how popular the keyword is. It is possible to input the subject or sub-niche into the search area and it'll generate an assessment for you that can be anywhere between 0 to 100. The higher your score to 100, the more sought-after the content will be. SEMRush is yet another popular marketing tool which can provide insights into the amount of search queries per month. If the audience you're targeting has to be in a particular area (ie. providing advice on an underlying norm or rule within a certain region) It is possible to select any region in the website to get the most accurate insights.

 Start to make small pieces of content to test out

Riches in niches

If you're looking to launch your very first online course or a long-time creator veteran There's no shortage of subjects with an excellent likelihood of generating huge profit. It's not even close to the completeness of our list!

If you're passionate about something that you're knowledgeable about and want to pass on your knowledge to others do it now. Sign up for the lifetime-free membership right now to begin your personal journey towards becoming the teacher-creator.

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