10 Ideas for Community Engagement to be stealing this week

Sep 29, 2022

If you've run a community, whether online or offline, there's something you've discovered. Making it easier for people to join the community is awe-inspiring. However, getting them involved and excited about attending is even better.

Sometimes, that's difficult. It's sometimes difficult to get participants to get engaged. Some prefer sitting at a distance for a long time. If you're unable to keep participants to be involved you could see them drop out completely from your group.

Now let's talk about the serious issues. There's a bright side, it's not really hard to engage people in the local community.

Actually, with the proper techniques and tools, you can get the engagement of your members going this week.

What's the funniest part about engaging? Engaging members could be like an iceberg. If more members take part in activities as they become engaged, the more those who are active assist their colleagues to become more active. So, the efforts you make to get your members engaged will result in long-term, lasting effects that could be hard to imagine.

If you're looking to start building your community, these tips can help. Here are 10 ideas for community engagement to consider this week!

If you're looking for help in building your online community, sign up to our Mighty Community for free as you get to meet new and well-established community owners! We'd love to have you join us. Register to join at free!

The document...

     1. Personalize your new member's experience

     2. Go live... a lot!

     3. Newsletter updates

     4. Have fun playing in Include

     5. Discover your ideal client with a Big Purpose

     6. Moderate that one thing

     7. Develop rituals

     8. Ask questions

     9. Go on quests

     10. Unscripted

     11. Empower your best people

     Ready to start?

1. Personalize your new member's user experience

We'll talk about the single most crucial aspect of the journey for a new member, beginning at the beginning of their initial minutes, hours, and even days within a community.

It is the most frightening element for the family new member. The experience is similar to being a new student in school. The whole class is familiar with each other and has an idea of the situation, but it's not easy for you to be the one to become involved.

The first thing you need to do is create a plan to provide to provide a fantastic introduction experience to new members. It is important to ensure that anyone who enters your neighborhood understands what to do. Your goal is to bring people involved in conversations to let them feel comfortable and welcome to show them where the possibilities are, as well as potential, as well as let them know that you're here to help.

within an online community. This can be accomplished through making an online experience that is enjoyable for members who are new.

For example, within the Mighty Network, we created the checklist for new members that is customizable and can be made your own. Every new member is aware of this and will guide them through the process to set up their membership profile. This includes asking "hello" on the forum or asking the first question, or providing a response for their first live event.

The way you use the experiences is completely up to you. What is certain is that an incredible customer experience for the new members isn't going to disappoint anyone. Members will sign up and instantly start participating.

Magical new member experience

We offer classes for free to help you create a member experience for new members within the Mighty Community! *

2. Go live... a lot!

We love live streaming. It doesn't matter if an event that is planned or just an unplanned surprise live streaming can add a sense that is real to your web-based network.

Live streaming might be interrupted with an occasional "um" however beware of the. Despite all the perfectly designed social media channels with a touch of humanity is welcome.


If you're trying to increase participation of members by hosting live chats frequently, you should try it. There is the option to discuss the lessons you've learned, talk with other members of the community or with an outside visitor, and even offer an open questions and answers time, or even an AMA.

And, before you ask yes, those butterflies that appear at the start of your live stream are completely normal. It's a little intimidating to stream live if you've never tried previously. If you take off the Band-Aid , and then try it, you'll be awestruck at the results you'll get. The engagement is enhanced.

Also, you can see that the abilities to communicate with your students will improve with time. Also, the butterflies will go away. Give it a go!

     Start with a free trial credit card is not needed.

3. Newsletter updates

Okay, after you have thought about your community engagement strategy Think about the purpose of email.

One of the greatest advantages of an amazing community platform, particularly one with an awesome, built-in app, is that your users don't have to be bombarded with emails on everything. Users should receive messages from their community platform (and great platforms will give them options for personalizing their notifications). ).

It gives you the chance to be really strategic regarding how you utilize your email. There is no need for emailing your members every single day. But you can email information or let them be aware of certain events. If someone has been absent from the site for some time, this could be a good way to get them to the site.

If life is hectic, which it does, a weekly roundup of events happening within your local community could help people stay connected and get them ready to tackle the next set of events.

4. Take a turn playing with Include

The members of the community ought to be having fun. Sometimes, we be prone to becoming excessively serious, especially when members are charged for membership. It is possible that you are feeling the pressure to plan an event that appears... "professional. "

There's a right time and place for that. This isn't to say that not to be professional.

Being "professional" does not mean having to stay professional at all times. The best community will come with fun elements. If you can make your group members laugh and joking around about the possibility of being silly and playful it will create an unforgettable environment for them.

You can try incorporating fun activities. A virtual game show. Karaoke. The things that can make your audience break away from seriousness and build excitement. If you're searching to improve your virtual events more enjoyable, we have an extensive list of tips on this page.

5. Know your Ideal Member with a Big Purpose

There's something that we recommend conducting during the planning phase in your local community. It's known as Community Design(tm). But even if you skipped this stage at the beginning of planning It's not too for you to begin these activities now.

Every community needs two fundamental elements. First, the community must have a suitable person who is a member. It is essential to understand who your community is for. As specific as you are about the members you be aware of who they are, and what are they are looking forward to and their hopes and goals in addition to what they are passionate about.

If you can identify an Ideal Memberfor your community It can assist in the engagement of your members. Instead of throwing things against the wall only to see the outcomes, you'll be able concentrate on helping others.
    Ideal Members tackle the challenges they're facing. It's a recipe for those who are willing to show up and take part.

The other part is creating what we refer to as the Big Purpose. The purpose of your company outlines the reasons why is your role in the local community and how you can aid them to achieve. It's how you can look.

Big Purpose- New Image

Also, as a matter of fact We provide absolutely no-cost tutorials in how to determine your Ideal Members and the main reason you join the mighty group.

     Start With a Free Trial No credit card is necessary.

6. Moderate that thing

A great engagement with your community should not just revolve around the aspects that you have in the local area. The main thing is the truth that there are certain things that your community must not be able to have.

And that's how a robust moderating approach to community comes in.

Your community members are expected to feel comfortable in the community. It is essential that they are assured they won't be bullied or targeted for harassment. It is important to be sure that they will not see any posts that include racist, sexist, homophobic or another form of discrimination.

If you're trying to establish an environment where residents feel secure, you have create a reliable moderating plan. Make sure your users know what they are expected to adhere to, and remind them of your users of the rules frequently. Be sure to utilize the moderator tools included in your community platform to filter or remove inappropriate material. You should think about getting the most active and loyal users to help in the process of regulating content.

Moderation isn't super exciting at the beginning. There's nothing exciting about taking a seat and writing down guidelines.

We can however be sure that the mental safety of the members of your community will be well worth the investment. If people are secure and protected, they'll be more likely to participate.

7. Create rituals

Imagine you could go back to those human settlements that were present thousands of years ago. The ancestors of our time used to gather around campfires. What was it that helped those communities stay together?

The main reason for communal bonding was the strength of the rituals. Rituals were utilized to signal being part of the group. They were used to mark important changes in one's life, such as the ceremonies that marked the transition between becoming a child and an adult. Also, they were utilized to commemorate the passing of the time. They were also used to indicate the end of weeks, months and even years.

The community you live in is able to benefit from rituals as well. While you're going through your day as a part of your group be aware of the instances that should be performed in a ritual. Maybe you've had a good time with newly joined members, and would like to continue doing to everyone, like the new member experience mentioned above. Maybe once or twice per year, you hold a particular type of community-based event that people look for. It could be the monthly happy hour for the community.


When you create these occasions by the name of these events, and making them unique the process is to create rituals. And that's just something humans have done for centuries, which makes rituals a powerful tool to increase participation in the community.

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8. Ask questions

In our research of communities we've found one factor always that's led to participation. There's no secret about it.

The point is...questions!

The questions can draw people's attention. The questions ask them to consider some aspect of their lives. They force them to use their own experience and knowledge, something we all get happy about. The short answer is that they could be crucial factor to ensuring that members are engaged.

We are so passionate about asking questions much that we put together this fantastic guide for 1,000 discussion questions that can be used to start getting your group engaged. Download it for free here.

1000 questions guide

9. Go on quests

Another aspect of our game is something we're happy about. Quests. Similar to knights from in the past, they join all the members in a journey. We also offer a complete and un-costed training to create quests in Our Mighty Community too!

10. Unscript

Another tip for getting into the amazing power of community engagement. Do you have the proper equipment?


Community managers are enticed to take over everything. It's tempting to scrub everything. To make everything look impeccable. But ask anybody who's been part of a group and they'll inform that the most impactful moments are often the ones people don't expect. The unscripted ones.

It might be the live stream where the guest isn't allowed to be a part of the discussion, and the one following is significantly more efficient than that conversation would be. This could be the time that a fellow member tears into tears while watching other members jump in support and cheer their fellow members.

There is no way to plan for spontaneous events. This could be detrimental to the goal.

Do however create space and time to be with each other in ways that don't appear to be a perfect script. Be open to let magic unfold.

11. Empower your best people

The word "community" suggests, shouldn't be done alone. As for the leadership of a group, it should not be done by itself.

One of the keys for a successful community engagement strategy is to draw people in rather than making it a single-person-show. The process could involve the hiring of a community coordinator. It is usually just that you empower the people who are working in your community.

It can be accomplished through something like an Ambassador Program that gives your members a reward to invite new members. Consider also promoting those who are most liked by your members as moderators, co-hosts, or hosts. It could be unpaid, paid positions or even moderators, and you may be surprised to discover that those that are active in their community love having the chance to assume the role of a leader and go further.

Are you eager to begin?

These tips can make you eager to bring an exciting new aspect to your community. Keep in mind that having thousands of members isn't much use without participation. These guidelines can assist you get members into your community and keep them there. There are many instances where people might join communities in order to benefit from classes but they stay with communities for the long haul because of the bonds that they form in the community.


If you're searching for an awesome platform to build your community, take a look ! It's a full community engine that includes subgroups, messaging and forums, as well as live streaming, classes along with integrated events and more. The app allows you to charge members, sell courses and access to subgroups. You can also bundle them all together. Additionally, it's an incredible application that's popular with your customers.

Don't take our word for this product; try absolutely free for 14 days!

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