#1 Podia Alternative
What makes CreativeMindClass more efficient over Podia?
It's a fair question that isn't a question we can answer completely with no any bias. Instead of creating another boring side-by-side comparision of capabilities, let's discuss the most important features that you can only find within CreativeMindClass.
Start now It's completely free
There is no credit card required.
9 fantastic ways to utilize CreativeMindClass
There's a great deal of functionality that is similar between CreativeMindClass as well as Podia however, CreativeMindClass offers distinct abilities too.
1. Unlimited COURSES
Develop a viable online course business
You can fully control your classes and students with absolutely no programming. It is possible to create unlimited content, and incorporate feedback, community, and blog posts.
2. Payments
Sell one class or several classes
Make use of the checkout process in just one step to accept online payments (via Stripe) to sell your course throughout the World.
countries payment methods
Assignments. You can access them in the Dashboard of your account.
Students can upload their exercise files right beneath the class they had been in.
Kommentar on upload assignments
Establish relationships with your students, and type up comments to improve engagement and education.
Find homework files and get them to school. Give feedback to
5. Video Lessons and File UPLOADS
Video tutorials are available and also offer a range of download formats of files
Upload your text, video or audio files, as well as images and PDFs , and other files in the same class to allow convenience in teaching the way you'd want to.
In addition, there are fly species that are able to be used for tasks such as PSDs, AIs and so on.
CreativeMindClass Platform is one of the top ways to develop video course.
The platform is available to use. Today.
Create a site quickly. The only thing you need to do is upload the website's information.
Pre-built homepage with sales
Landing pages
Checkout page with one-click
Integration of payments
Convert pages using your own brand
Design optimized landing pages for your classes that feature your personal avatar, bio, and space's name to create excellent branding.
8. Community
Post on own website
Write posts to encourage people to stay around for more involvement.
Community in CreativeMindClass can be compared to the creation of a "Facebook group" to your personal web page.
9. Studying the course and directing it
Maintain things in order
Utilize drag&drop to quickly organise your content into classes. Design classes, sections, or exercises, and uploading documents.
Get started
A platform for hosting your online videos as well as creating an online community. Start now and it's completely free!
There is no requirement for credit cards.
This article first appeared on CreativeMindClass
Article was first seen on here